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(Car crash)

Luke's POV

-cmon emily- I say and lift her up.
We are going back home from a friend's house.
-daddy where is dugdo?- dugdo is her plushie.
I give the teddy bear to her.
She hugs it.
Ryan walks with us to my car, I put Emily in the backseats.
I sit on the driver's seat after.
I roll the window down.
-was nice seeing you two- Ryan says.
I smile,-same here man, I'll see you soon- I say, he nods.
-have a safe trip home!- ryan says, I wave and drive off.
I roll the window back up.
-did you have a good time Emily?- I ask
-yes- she says.
-good, after we arrive home I'm putting you in bed- I say.
She starts playing with her teddy bear, I smile.
My little girl, she learns fast.
She's five but this girl can write sentences already!.
Within minutes she falls asleep while hugging dugdo.
We are almost home, i just have to cross this forest now.
I turn the radio on, on a low volume to not wake Emily up.
I hum along to the beat.
I see carlights coming this way, the car is swinging to the left and right.
That's not good, I try driving on the grass a little to avoid the car.
But then.. the car hits me, I curse and then my car hits a tree... my sight goes black instantly...

((A while later))

I open my eyes slowley.
I look around, im dizzy... the whole world is spinning.
I open my car door, I fall out of my car unto a lake.
I gasp and hold on to the mud on land.
Now my sight is better, my car lights are still on.
I'm not dizzy anymore.
I feel that my forehead is wet a little but it doesn't feel like water it's thicker.
I touch my forehead.
Oh.. it's blood.
I see Emily's plushie, I grab it.
Where the hell is she?!
I crouch beside the backseatdoor, well there was a door.
The car is laying on its roof.
I hear Emily crying, she's laying on her seatbelt.
-hey hey hey, daddy's here- I say, she looks at me.
-my leg- she says and she's still crying her eyes.
I carefully take her out of the car.
Her leg is injured badly, she has a big cut crossing her left leg.
It's bleeding hard.
I find my phone, but it's broken.
I find Emily's gaming phone too, it's broken as well
I hold emily tight, I need to find help.
Emily whines, her head is hurt as well.
-you'll be alright Emily, hold on for me- I whisper.
I'm carrying her in my arms.
Holding her to my chest hurts her wounds.
She's closes her eyes.
-no Emily, stay awake- I say.
She opens her eyes a little.
I start running over the road.
-HEEEELP- I shout.
I keep running, I see car lights coming my way.
-HELPPP ME!!- I shout louder.
-PLEASE- I beg.
But the car passes me, not caring at all.
-daddy- Emily whispers.
-yes huney?-
I keep on walking.
-my belly hurty- she says.
-I know, all you have to do is stay awake okay?- I say.
She whines and nods lightly.
She keeps her eyes open a little, I keep shouting for help. Hoping that maybe joggers or hitchhikers will hear me.
If she doesn't get help she might not make it... she's still losing blood... alot.
But then I notice that she fainted.
-emily!- I say, tears appear in my eyes.
-don't let go please- I whisper.
I continue running.
-HEEEEELP!- I shout.
I see car lights again, please stop.
-please please please- I whisper.
I fall on My knees.
-please stop- I say.
I lay Emily down in front of me,
She's barely breathing.
I look at the head popping out of the car window, michael!
I raise my hand while crying.
The car pulls over.
I see Michael and calum getting out of the car.
I collapse on the road, my sight goes black...

....few hours later....

I open my eyes and whine a little.
I turn my head to the left, It's Sierra
-hey- I say and smile a little.
She's holding my hand.
She smiles.
-where is Emily???- I ask, panicking a little.
-don't worry baby, she's under surgery- Sierra says, I nod.
-ashton is waiting for a doctor on her status- she says, I nod.
-but... what happened?- she asks
-a drunk driver hit my car- I say.
She nods,-a cop will be here soon to ask what happened, do you remember most of it?- she asks slowly.
-yes, not all. But most of it- I whisper.
She nods.

After the cop came, calum and Michael enter with food.
Also Ashton enters.
-I got news- he says, I look at him.
Please let it be good news.
Ashton smiles,-she's stable, you can visit her soon- he says, I smile.
-thank god- Sierra says.
-I Wanna go to her- I say, ashton nods.
-I'll ask for a wheelchair, but first we are gonna eat- ashton says, I nod.
-i brought food for Emily too- calum says, that made me even happier.

Emily's POV

I open my eyes, I feel weak.
I'm in this white bed, This room looks scary.
-there you are- a lady says, I look at her.
Where is mommy and daddy?
-how do you feel?- she asks in a childish voice.
My heart beat rises, she sees it on a screen.
-calm down little one. You are safe- she says.
-I'm okey- I say.
I see a needle in my left hand wrist.
I whine.
I try to pull it out, but the lady stops me.
-no sweetheart, you can't take it out- she says.
-I want my mommy and daddy- I say.
-they will be here soon, I'm gonna tell them that you are awake okay?- she says.
I'm shaking, she leaves the room.
My leg is tightly wrapped in bandages.
I also have bandages on my head.
I have a few bruises on my arms and little cuts.
-I WANT MY MUMMY- I shout and I start crying.
I get up from my bed even though my leg hurts alot.
A man enters.
-get back in your bed Emily- he says, I throw something at him.
-I want my daddy!- I shout.
He puts me back on my bed.
I cry out loud.
-I know... but you just had surgery, lay down. Or I have to give you a needle to calm you down- he says.
I let out a short scream.
-alright then- he says and opens a drawer.
I'm crying my eyes out, he grabs my arm.
He carefully puts the needle in.
-sowwy- I whisper.
-it's okay, calm down okay?- he says.
He pulls the needle out after a little.
He checks my leg bandages.
-you'll family will be here soon, now just relax- he says and puts me in the warm blanket.
My eyes feel a little heavier, my body relaxes a little.

(Ten minutes later)
My eyes are about to close, but I want my Mummy and daddy first before I go to sleep.
The door opens.
Dad enters in a wheelchair, mom is pushing it.
I gasp a little.
-hey sunshine!- dad says, I smile.
Uncle Ashton, Mike and cal are here too.
I smile at them, mom puts dad next to my bed.
He takes my hand carefully.
-hey huney- mom says,-mommy- I say while smiling bright.
-told you that we'd be alright- dad says, I keep smiling.
-I got you food- Calum says, I nod.
After I ate food, my favorite food, sushi with cucumber and drank some yogi.
-go take a power nap sunshine, mommy and daddy won't go anywhere- dad says.
-I luv you- I say.
-we love you too darling- mom says.
I close my eyes.
Someone moves hair away from my eyes.
Mommy and daddy are here, I'm safe with them from those scary doctors (:

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