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Luke's pov

Me and my bandmates are going on a hike, I'm also taking my little girl with me.
-cmon grace- I say, she runs past me.
-careful!- I say, sounding worried.
We walk up a cliff.
-oh woah- michael says.
I walk and look over the edge.
-this is amazing- ashton comments.
Grace walks happily towards me.
I put my hand in my pocket and I take a chocolate bar out, I give it to her.
She giggles and takes it.
-now, we go down the cliff- Calum says.
-what- I say.
-like I said- he says.
We all look at eachother.
-don't worry I have the proper equipment- Calum says.
-and you know what you're doing?- I ask.
-yes, Luke, I've had training- Calum says and throw a thic blue rope down the cliff.
-great- ashton says.
-who wants to go first?- Calum asks, Michael volunteers.
We get out of the way.
-one person at the time- Calum says, helping michael in his whatever that is.
-what are the chances that I'll die- michael says.
-uhhh, about 25 procent- Calum awnsers
-cool- michael says.
Michael dissapears under the cliff.
-who can I now prepare to go down?- Calum asks, ashton walks to cal.
After michael is down, ashton goes.
-you can go, just show me what to do- I say, he agrees and explains it all.
Calum goes down after ashton is done.
-cmon Grace- i say.
-No, I wanna go last- she states.
I sigh.
-I'm a big girl dad- she says.
-you're ten- I say, she shrugs.
-let me prove it to you- she says.
I sigh loudly,-fine- I say and put her and me in the climbing harness.
I nod to her,-are you sure?- I ask her..
-yes dad- she says, I nod again.
After Calum is down, I'm next, I attach my climbing harness' hook to the rope.
After this I go down as well... leaving grace alone on the cliff....

Grace's POV

Dad goes down, my heart is beatinga fast.
I look down the cliff, when dad is down after a while it's my turn.
I attach my hook to the rope.
I got this, I got this.
I go down while shaking, just don't look down, it's all i should not do.
I continue going down, I look down on accident.
I gasp a little, it's okay grace, just keep doing down, I continue, I'm half way there now.
Suddenly the rope stops, huh?
I look up, a few small pieces of rock fall down.
I gasp again, I look back down.
-NOT FUNNY GRACE THATS DANGEROUS- dad shouts, I look at him, oh, I'm not even halfway there.
-I didn't do that! I'm stuck!- I shout back.

Luke's pov
-I'm stuck!- she shouts.
My eyes widen.
-oh no- Calum says.
More rocks come falling down.
She panics.
-No!- she shouts in fear.
-WE'LL CATCH YOU!- I shout.
She starts to cry.
I reach my arms out, she looks down at us.
We are all ready to catch her, cmon grace.
She shakes her head.
Suddenly the rope let's go, she falls with the rope following her.

We catch her luckily

-oh my god- I say, she hugs me tight.
I hug back tightly.
-never again- I say, Calum nods.
I help her take her climbing harness off.
-are you hurt?!- I ask while letting her go.
-n-no- she whispers.
-come- Calum says, she goes over to him and she hugs him
-I'm so sorry- he says.
Thank god, everyone is safe.
I hug Calum afterwards.
-I'm sorry- he says.
-it's okay man- I say.
-what about we go out for pizza tonight Gracey?- Calum says, a smile appears on Grace's face.
Wich makes me happy too.
-yes- she says.
We continue our hike..

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