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(House fire)

-I will find youuuuu- I hear dad say,
I hold in a giggle.
He will never find me here, I'm hiding in dad's walk in closet.
He enters where I'm hiding, and after a few seconds he finds me.
He lifts me up,-Noooo!- I shout while laughing.
-I gotcha!- he says, holding me tight.
-daddy can we play hide and seek again?- I ask.
-I told you that this was the last time Maya, dad has to work- he says, I whine in a sad way.
-I know, but we'll play afterwards okey? I promise-
I nod.

Michael's POV

Maya goes downstairs to play, I can leave her alone in a different, she is a very well behaved kid for a 6 year old.
I go to my room for work,me and my mates have a few interviews tommorow, tommorow is gonna be a long day. But Maya will keep us on track, she always knows how to cheer us up mostly on long days like these.
I fall asleep on my desk after a while.

I wake up to a high pitched sound,-Maya what did you turn on?!- I shout and open my eyes.
I get up from my chair, wait a damn minute... THATS THE FIRE ALARM.
Smoke is coming from under my roomdoor.
-MAYAAA!- I shout and run out of my room, I end up in the hall, there is smoke everywhere.
-DADDY, HELP ME- I hear Maya shout.
-MAYA WHERE ARE YOU- I say while trying to cover my mouth and nose with my shirt.
I can't find her in this smoke mess!
I find the staircase, I walk down the stairs carefully.
I see flames coming from the kitchen and livingroom.
I can't find Maya.
No response.
Someone grabs me, it's a fireman.
I start to cough, he takes me outside.
-my little girl is in there!- I try to shout,  I keep coughing.
-don't worry sir we will find her- he says, helping me to get to an ambulance, I get put on a chair.
Very quick a oxygen mask is on my face.
I look at my house, it's burning fast, deadly fast.
My little girl is still in there.
I start crying.
-don't worry, hey hey- a lady sits across of me, she holds my hand.
She tells me to breathe with her.
-my daughter is still in there- I whisper.
-I know, I know, can you tell me your name?- she asks.
-Michael, Michael cifford- I say, I start breathing fast.
-what is your daughter's name?- she asks.
-Maya Clifford- I whisper.
She nods.
A fire man walks towards us.
-what is the little girl's name?- he asks.
-Maya- the nurse says.
He nods.
-I don't wanna leave I wanna wait for her- I say.
-we are not going anywhere now, are you injured?- she asks, I shake my head.
She nods,-have you inhaled smoke?- she asks, I nod.
-okay, keep this oxygen mask on for me okay?- she says, I nod.
I look back at my house.

I hope that she's hiding in my room or her's

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I hope that she's hiding in my room or her's.
-don't be scared honey, be brave- I whisper.
Within 10 minutes, the firemen retreat from the house, every part of the house is on fire now.
-we can't! The house is lost its over.. I'm sorry- the young man says.
Tears fill my eyes while my eyes widen.
I get up, trying to run to the house, but the lady holds me back.
-don't touch me!- I shout, I get taken in the ambulance.

I scream and cry at the same time.
-calm down Michael- the nurse says.
-NO! LET ME GO!- I shout.
She shakes her head, she puts a needle in my arm and she quickly pushes the fluid in.
Suddenly it feels like time freezes,my daughter is gone. Who am I now? Yeah, a bad father, that's what i am.
I killed her.....
I look out of the small window in the ambulance, the house collapses on the ground, caving in.

((5 hours later))

Maya's POV

-daddy- I whine, I'm stuck under what's left of dad's house.
My leg hurts, it's dark, there's no one here. Where is dad? Is he okey?
-help me, it hurt- I whisper.
I mumble a few words,
I start coughing again, i want my daddy.
My belly hurts, I have blood on my head.
I'm buried under this mess and i can't move, I hear a car.
-dad?- I say.
I start crying, where did daddy go?

Ashtons POV

Me and Luke hop out of my car, Calum is on his way as well and a few other friends of Michael.
We walk to the burnt down house, trying to find any signal from Maya.
We don't think that she's alive though... but the least we can do is find her body to bring her back to her father where she belongs...
We look through the mess.
I take a heavy rock away, wait...
I let my hand discover, I feel a hand.
-Maya?- I say and retreat my hand.
I see her eyes and nose.
She mumbles a little.
Luke rushes over to me.
-I'll call for help- he says, grabbing his phone.
-Maya? Can you hear me? It's uncle ashton- I say.
No response.
-can you move your fingers if you can hear me?- I ask.
She moves her thump.
-you are doing great, stay with uncle Ashton yeah?- I say, she moves her finger again.
Her hand feels cold.
A fire truck arrives after a little while to help us set Maya free.
After a long time we managed to get her out, she's not badly injured but we do think that her legt leg might be broken.
We tell the firemen that we are gonna take her to the hospital right now, they agree with us. I hold her tight to my chest, Luke calls Calum to update on the situation. He's going to hospital to tell michael.
She mumbles a little, me and Luke hop in Luke's car, he drives us to the hospital.
We find a nurse near the entrance, she's about to head back inside, we run towards her and explain whats going on. Pretty quick Maya gets taken away on a bed.
-cmon, lets find mike- I say.

Michael's POV
I haven't stopped crying since i got here, Maya's death is my fault....
-I'm sorry Maya- I say and pull on my blanket.
I hear a knock on my door, it opens.
It's Calum.
-hey man- he says, i nod.
He takes a seat next to my bed on a chair.
-I have news- he says, I try to take my oxygen mask off.
-No, keep it on- he says, i sigh.
-Maya made it- he says.
My eyes widen.
-what?! Where is she?!- I ask.
-she's getting checked now, afterwards they are bringing her to you- he says.
-I Wanna see her!- I say while trying to get up, ignoring the arm pains I'm having.
-no, you are staying here. She's fine, Mike- Calum says, after a little bit, ash and luke enter. They explain how they found her.
She's okay.. she's fine...
After some more time the door opens again, a nurse and doctor enter with a bed.
-would you like her to be next to you Mr Clifford?- the nurse asks, a smile appears on my face.
-yes please- I say.
There is my little angel!
They move my things away to the other side.
They roll her bed (wich has wheels) next to mine.
-don't wake her up, she will wake up on her own soon, she broke her leg indeed like Ashton thought. Also has a light head trauma but that will heal in a few days. Beside this she has a few bruises and scratches- the doctor explains.
I nod.
-thank you- I say.
They both nod, the nurse says,-Im gonna go get you both food- I nod, they both leave.
I look over at Maya.
She is wearing a oxygen mask as well, but a smaller one.
I hold her hand carefully to not wake her up.
Her hand feels warm.
-I told you she'd be alright- Ashton says, I smile at my bandmates.
-thanks guys- I say.
-you don't need to thank us, it's our little sister bro. She means the world to us too- Luke says, I smile at Maya
She opens her eyes after a few minutes
-hey baby!- I say.
She smiles a little.
-daddy?- she asks.
-yes its me- I say.
-it was warm in home- she says.
-I know... but thats over now right?- I say.
-yes- she says.
-I'm gonna call some friends see if we can stay at one of their houses okay?- I say, she nods.
-you two can stay at mine- Ashton says.
-really?- I ask.
-ofcourse bro- he says.
I nod.
-uncleee ashtoooon!- Maya says, ashton giggles.
She's okay, I'm okay, and that's all that matters.
A house is replacable, your child isn't...

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