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I enter my class room, i sit down on my seat. While the teacher is explaining something, I hear someone whispering.
-Lara- I look at the person who said this, she throws a pencil at me, it hits my cheek,-ouch- that actually did hurt.
Why can't they just leave me the hell alone?!?!?!?
I sigh and ignore it.
But then the guy sitting behind me pulls my hair.
-stop!- I shout.
-Lara!- miss Silends shouts.
-he pulled my hair!- I say.
-focus on your work- she hisses at me,
I nod and face back to my desk.
-I'm going to the printer, behave everyone while im gone- she says and then leaves.
I sigh and write some math problems down, that boy suddenly pulls my hair again.
-stop man!- I shout while turning around.
-why it's fun- he says, I roll my eyes and i try to ignore it again.
I swear if he keeps doing this ill burst in anger.
I growl a little.
-what are ya, a wolf?- he says, now im done. I shoot up from my chair, this shit has been happening for years and now ive had enough.
I flip mine and his table, he smiles.
-what are you gonna do, give me a lap dance or something- he says, I nod,-sure- I say and kick his crotch hard.
-you like that lapdance?- I hiss, he collapses on the floor while crying.
What a pussy he actually is.
-that's my boyfriend whore!- his girlfriend, Dina walks towards me.
-you are littarly the biggest whore in this school.- I say.
She slaps my cheek, hard.....
I bite my bottom lip for a second, I grab her long blonde hair, she's a pick me girl, that pretty much says it all.
-ouch!- she shouts.
I push her on her boyfriend's desk that i pushed over.
This is fun, my bullies getting their karma.
I turn around, it's the teacher.
-I wanted to leave anyways- I say,
I grab my stuff from the floor and my bag. No one here gives a shit about me anyways.
I leave the class, I put the hood from my hoodie on.
I leave the school instead, i walk to a park far away from school and home
I sit on a bench, my lips start shaking.
I fucking hate this school

(20 minutes later)

My phone rings, it's dad, I awnser it.
-yeah?- I say.
-hey, Lara- he says.
-hi- I whisper.
-school called me, why did you do it?- dad asks, he sounds worried.
-you wouldn't get it- I say and hang up.
I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket.
I starre at the ground.

(30 minutes later)

Suddenly someone joins me on this bench, I turn my head, it's dad.
I look back at the ground.
-what happened?- he asks, he puts his arm around me.
-you won't believe me anyways- I say.
-well it's not like you are telling me what happened- he says.
-I've been getting bullied for a while, from cursing to leaving bruises on my skin- i say.
-and you were done being treated like that?- he asks.
I nod.
-why didn't you tell me darling?- he asks.
-I didn't think you'd believe me- I tell him. -Lara, you are my daughter ofcourse I believe you! Hey, cmon- he says and pulls me in a hug.
I start crying.
-iim transferring you to a new school okay?- he says, I nod.
-you know what? Im proud of you. My little soldier- he says, I look at him and smile.
He gives me his coat.
-you feel cold, here- he says, wrapping me in his coat.
We head home and enjoy a salad together, while i tell him in detail what happened.

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