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(First flight)

-I don't wanna go- Chayenne tells me.
-don't worry Chayenne, you'll be fine- I say.
-what if the plane crashes- she says.
-Jesus christ chayenne!- I shout.
-sorry, I've heard it happening alot- she says.
I sigh,-I've packed everything already- she says, I nod.
-come here, sorry i didn't mean to shout- I say and open my arms, she hugs me.
-maybe im just overreacting- she says.
-maybe, but it's okay to be afraid- I say, she smiles.
-are you ready to go? Going on tour with dad for the first time???- I say.
She smiles,-yes!- she says happily.
She runs up the stairs to grab her suitcase(s).
I wait for her in the hall, she walks downstairs with her suitcase and bag
We leave the house.
I put our suitcases and bags in the car.
-cmon, hop in- I say, she nods and gets in the car.
Today chayenne is gonna go on her first flight ✈, this flight is private though in a jet so i hope that helps her calm down a little. It's the first time for us traveling private for once but i think that it's something cool to try something diferent

Chayenne's POV
I wanna stay home, I cross my arms.
-we have a lot of candy in the plane andddd free wifi!- he says, I smile a little. Thats kinda cool.
When we arrive at the airport we hop out of the car.
I take my bag out of the back of dad's car and i also with dad's help grab my suitcase.
He grabs his things and then we head inside, a friend of dad is gonna pick his car up, it's the same person who takes care of Duke.
We find uncle Luke
-hey!- he says.
I hug him, he hugs back.
-ash will be here in ten minutes- Luke tells dad, he nods.
When uncle ashton and michael are here too we head to the plane outside..
Our suitcases are in the plane now.
I have my bag with me though.
Dad and uncle ashton make a photo with eachother.

Dad and uncle ashton make a photo with eachother

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After a few minutes it's time to leave.

Calums POV
Chayenne starts to cry,-I don't wanna go- I walk to her.
-come to daddy- I say, she runs into my arms.
I lift her up, I get on the plane with her.

She keeps crying, I put her on a chair. I help her take her bag off.
Chayenne is sitting at the windows on the left, I'm sitting beside her.
I hold her hand.
-nothing is gonna happen baby you'll be fine- I say.
Luke and Ashton sit across us, Michael is chatting with our manager.
We take off, the scariest moment for chayenne.
I hug her head tightly.
-shhhh- I whisper.
Andddd, taking off is done, we are in the air.
-it's done- I say.
-huh?- she says, sounding confused.
I let her go, she moves over to the windows.

I let her go, she moves over to the windows

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-see? It's not that bad- I say.
A smile appears on her face.
I whipe the tears away from her cheeks,-where is candy?- she asks.
-in your bag- I whisper in her ear, she gasps a little bit and smiles.
She grabs her bag and quickly opens it.
She finds a few bags of candy.
-but you stay in you seat while eating, deal?- I say.
She nods and gives my cheek a kiss.
-enjoy superstar, you've been very brave today- I tell her.
See? A flight isn't that bad (:

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