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Ashton's POV

I hear the front door closing with a loud bang. -Malin?- I shout, making sure that it's her.
I peek my head around the corner, looking at the hall directly.
I see Malin slamming her coat and shoes to the floor after taking them off.
-are you okay?- I ask her while entering the hall that leads to the front door, I was making an healthy snack in the kitchen
-I HATE MY LIFE- she says while crying, she runs up the staircase.
I hear her room door slam shut, oh...
I decide to leave her alone for a little while to let her cool down and calm down.

Malin's POV

(An hour later)
Ruber keeps texting me, i keep ignoring him, isn't he busy with kissing other girls? While sobbing im laying under my warm blanket.
I hear a knock on my door.
-go away- I say, the door opens anyways, it's dad.
-hey- he says, I look down.
He's holding ben and Jerry's.
-please leave- I say, he walks to my bed after closing the door.
He sits.
-what happened Malin?- he asks.
I shake my head.
He takes my phone to have my attention.
-tell me Malin- he says.
My lips start shaking again, I was hiding that im crying when he entered.
He takes my hand.
-I saw ruber kissing with a girl today- I say, he was right, dad didn't trust him the day he met him already.
He sighs.
-sorry but that doesn't surprise me- he says, I nod,-I should've listened to you- I whisper.
-oh cmon, you were in love- he says.
-I hate that word now- I say, he smiles and nods.
-don't worry darling, you are still young. Your time with love will come- he says, I nod.
-and your heart will be broken a million times, but then, you'll find who's right for you. But it's just not now, okay?- he says, I nod.
My phone rings, I sigh.
-is that him?- he asks, I nod.
-he won't stop calling and texting- I say,
He grabs my phone.
And awsners.
-what do you want?!- dad shouts at him
After a short conversation he hangs up.
He helps me delete the pictures, wich is hard, I block him on everything too.
-see? Now he won't bother you anymore. And if he does in school you call me, okay?- he says, I nod.
-now you eat your ice cream while i have to work okay? If you need me I'll be downstairs- he says, I take my ice cream while smiling.
He gives my head a kiss.
-go watch some videos and no sad love songs-he says, i nod.
I smile at him,-thanks dad- I say.
He nods with a smile on his face and then he leaves me be.

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