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Ashton's POV

I hear the front door shut and mumbles, I regonize that voice, it's
Sae (:
-how was school sweetie?- I shout.
I hear her run upstairs while... crying?
I bought her favorite ice cream.
Did i do something wrong? Did something happen at school?

I decide to give her some space, after this I head to her room, holding her ben and Jerry's (:
I knock on the door.
-go away!- she shouts.
-huney, it's me- I say.
-go away dad-
She's still crying...
-I just wanna make sure you're alright, please let me in- I say, she locked her room door...
-please leave- she says, trying to breathe normally again.
-I'm not going anywhere huney, just let me see you okay?- I'm worried! I sigh.
I hear movement in her room, her roomdoor unlocks and opens a bit. I hear her going away from her door.
I open the door.
-hey huney...- I say, she's facing the wall while sobbing
I put her ice cream on her desk.
I walk over to her.
I lay next to her on her bed.
-what's going on?- I ask.
-nothing- she says.
-well there's clearly something going on- I say, she shrugs.
-Sae, talk to me- I say.
She looks at me.
-you are a boy, you wouldn't understand- she says.
-help me understand then- I tell her.
-you know Jake, the boy I like right. That's conversation you accidentally overheard..- she says, I nod.
-he doesn't like me back- she says and starts crying again.
-oh...- I say.
I put my arms around her.
-it's okey, there will be many more handsome boys in your life that might even marry you- I say, she chuckles.
-me? Getting married when I'm older? I can't even handle the stress of a test- she says.
-well I'd love to give you away to the one later- I say.
She smiles.
-really?- she asks me.
-ofcourse, I want you to be happy. And he's not the one for you And you are young Sae, love will come when it's meant to- I tell her.
-i love you dad- she says.
-well you are gonna love me even more when you see this- I say and grab her ice cream, she gasps.
She takes it.
-cry it out, it's okey, but come look for me downstairs after hm?- I ask her.
-yes dad- she says.
I nod
-fifteen already- I whisper.
She smiles.
-I'm going, keep your head up- I say, she nods.
-thanks dad- she says.
-no worries, bye bye- I say and get up.
-byeee- she says.
I leave her room, feeling alot better knowing what is going on in her head.

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