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Luke's POV

Me and Sierra are enjoying a movie together, I push my nose to her neck. She smiles,-I have to go in two hours- I say and whine.
-don't worry, you'll survive without me- Sierra says, I pout.
-you big baby- she says, I smile.
Then i get a phone call, it's Malia's principal.
Me and Sierra look at eachother, I awnser and put the call on speaker.
-yes?- I say.
After a small chat he tells me that Malia got injured during PE class.
-is she okay?- I ask.
-well a ambulance came by, she luckily didn't have to go to the hospital. But she does have two stitches now in her forehead, and how it happened is that the teacher made this big swing himself and Malia and her friend Namna got on there but someone pushed too hard and Malia kind of flew out of it.- he explains.
-okay, anything else beside the head wound?- I ask.
-she bruised her left knee but thats all- he says,-okay, can me and my wife come pick her up?- I ask.
-yes, ofcourse. You can find her in the nurse's office, she is currently taking a nap.- he explains.
-okay we will be there as soon as possible- I say.
-alright, see you then. Bye bye- he says.
-bye man- I say and hang up.
-cmon baby, lets go- I say and pause the movie.
She nods.
-don't worry baby, she's alright- I say, she nods a little.
I take her hand,-accidents happen- I say, she nods,-yes-

Malia's POV

I open my eyes and whine, my head hurts.
I sit, I'm in the bed at the nurse's office.
I'm breathing a little fast, I look around.
I touch my forehead, i feel a plaster on the left side of my forehead.
It hurts when I touch it, the nurse enters. Her name is Amilia, she's nice.
-hey sweetheart- she says, I whisper "hi" quietly.
-are you dizzy still?- she asks.
-a little- I whisper.
-my head hurts- I say.
-would you like a painkiller?- Amilia asks, I nod.
She gives me a painkiller and a small cup of water. I take the painkiller. She throws the plastic cup away in the bin for me.
-your parents are on their way to pick you up, I suggest you rest alot the next few days. Next week on Monday I will take the stitches out for you- she explains, I nod slowley
-lay down until they are here okay?- she says, I nod and lay myself back down. That is way better...
After a little while mom and dad enter.
-hey angel!- mom says, walking to me quickly.
I quickly take her hand.
-are you feeling okay?- she asks.
-I'm alright- I say.
Dad has a chat with the nurse.
Mom tries to distract me from the pain, it does work (:
After a bit of time mom and dad take me home.

I sit down on the couch slowley,
Mom prepares a meal for me.
I eat slowley, a salad and a sandwich.
After a few hours me and mom go with dad to a gig of my dad's band.
I enjoy this alot and in the backstage room, I fall asleep against mom (:

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