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-aren't you worried?- I ask my fiancé Gabby.
-huney, she probably just turned her phone off. I'm sure that she will be home soon- she says.
-I hope so.- I say and lay my head on her shoulder.
She gives my head a kiss,-don't worry too much calum- she whispers.
I nod.
Maybe she's right, sigh....
She should've been home an hour ago tho, I will not accept this from her when she gets home. If she went to a friend she could've at least told us about this.
Suddenly we hear the doorbell ring,-I got it- Gabby says and gets up from the couch.
I grab my bottle of water and I take a few sips.
Then i hear Gabby scream for a small second.
My eyes go wide open, I drop my bottle and I rush over to Gabby.
She fell on her knees while she's crying, she has a note in her hand.
-whats wrong baby?!- I ask her.
I sit next to her.
She gives me the note.
"If you want Julian to stay alive you are gonna have to pay me 50 thousand dollars, if you involve the police I will cut her throat open and chop her head off. You don't want that do you? meet me 10 March... I will text for further information"
I hug Gabby,-don't cry, shhh- I whisper.
She's pregnant two months, she can't have much stress.
I take her back to the livingroom.
I put her on the couch.
-my baby girl- she whispers.
Money isn't the issue, but knowing that my daughter is with some sort of freak?!
I try to text her,"Julian, can you please respond to me...?"
Please please.
Suddenly a picture gets send to me, yes, from Julian's phone.
It's her being tied up, sitting on a chair, it looks like a livingroom where she's in. She's muffled by a towel.
She looks scared, she cried i see as well.
Suddenly Gabby takes my phone.
-GIVE ME MY BABY BACK YOU MONSTER- she's about to call Julian's phone.
I take my phone back.
-Gabby, you need to calm down. You both need to calm down- I say, and with both i mean the baby too. Too much stress can be dangerous.
-BUT MY OTHER BABY IS STUCK WITH A STRANGER- She shouts, I pull her in a hug.
-I know... I know baby- I whisper.
I move my right hand over her belly.
-but please try to stay calm okay? I'll make sure she comes back home safe- I say, she nods.
I shipe a tear away from her cheek.
She cuddles up to me.
I awnser the photo.

Julian's POV

When the man leaves this wich I think is a livingroom.
I try to wiggle to the left and right, to try to get my legs free. My legs are tied to the chair but my arms aren't, they are just tied on my back
This towel also hurts the back of my head, I try to scream.
But it doesn't work because my mouth us muffled.
I'm sad and mad at the same time, I wanna go home and cuddle with Duke ): and annoy dad like i always love to do. I miss my family.

Calum's POV

Suddenly my phone starts to ring, it's Ashton.
I awnser,-brother, sorry I don't really have time right now- I say and sigh a little.
-man, I think you wanna year this. I found Julian's bike, is she at home?- Ashton says, my eyes go wide open.
-where did you find it?- I ask.
-well i was just having a walk and I found it in the park she always has to cross when she goes back home from school- he explains.
-ashton, do you mind coming to my place for a bit?- I ask him.
-yes ofcourse, I'll take her bike with me- he says,-thanks mate, see you soon- I say.
-see ya- he says, I hang up.
Gabby looks at me,-he found Julian's bike, he's on his way to bring it back to us- I say, she nods,-are you gonna tell him?- she asks.
-well, he didn't say anything about friends so, yes- I say, she nods.
-I need a nap- Gabby says.
-cmon, lets put you in bed then- I say, she smiles.
I walk with her upstairs, she lays herself in bed.
I take her hand,-I'll make sure Julian gets home safely okay?-i say, she nods.
-now go take a power nap, queen- I say, she smiles bright,-sure thing, king- she says, I chuckle.
I give her a long kiss and I give her belly a kiss too.
I push the blanket on her.
-I love you baby- she says.
-I love you too darling- I say, she smiles and closes her eyes.
I leave our room quietly after closing  the curtains.
I walk downstairs, I sit back down on the black sofa.
I grab my phone and text Julian's phone.
"Is she injured?"
I see  "typing" appear right away.
"Not yet"
"What does this mean"
"If she behaves while she's here i won't have to hurt her. If she doesn't behave she is gonna be injured"
"You are an horrible person"
"I know and i love it."
"Can i just at least hear her voice?"
"Hm, fine, I will call you in three hours"

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