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(Back from tour)

-Angeeeeel- I hear my mum says, I whine.
-wake up sweetheart, it's your big day!- I hear her say. I open my eyes a little, CAKE!
I gasp.
-happy birthday!- mom says, I giggle.
-thanks mom- I say and sit.
I don't like celebrating my birthday big like mum and dad do.
I love this cake.
-cake looks cool mum!- I say, she smiles.
-blow out the candles!- she says, i blow out the two candles that say "14"
She puts the cake on my desk for a second.
She gives me a wrapped present.
I smile,-thank you- I say, she smiles.
I pull the wrapping paper off.
I gasp,-you bought the hoodie!!!- I shout.
-I did- she says.
I saw this hoodie once while walking past a store, but we didn't have time to get it.
I pull her in a hug,-you wanted it so bad- she says.
She hugs back tight
-I did, thank you- I say.
-you're welcome sweetheart- she says.
-now go get ready, I'll make you breakfast... after that we can enjoy a slice of cake- she says, I nod.
She leaves with the cake.
I hug the hoodie, it's the same one my dad has.
I can't wait for him to be back from his take my hand tour.

(This hoodie)I take a shower and then I put underwear on, a undershirt, socks, tight sweatpants and my new hoodie

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(This hoodie)
I take a shower and then I put underwear on, a undershirt, socks, tight sweatpants and my new hoodie.
It's comfy, I like oversized clothes.
I brush my curly hair and then I walk downstairs after brushing my teeth.
I go to the livingroom,-Angel, would you like a boiled egg too?- I hear dad shout.



-yes dad- I say, my eyes go wide open,
I walk into the kitchen.
I see dad making pancakes.
-d-dad?- I say.
He turns around.
I scream and run towards him, I jump in his arms.
I start crying.
-hey baby, happy birthday- he says, I heard his voice cracking.
I look at him,-why didn't you tell me that you were coming?!- I say.
-it's not a surprise if I told you- he says, tears appear in his eyes.
I dig my face in his shoulder.
-awww- I hear mom say.
I start crying,-nonono, don't cry- he says.
I refuse to let him go, he's back!
He moves his left hand over my back.

After we ate pancakes, dad comes to me with a present.
-here- he says, I smile and take it.
-thank you- I say and I quickly pull the wrapping paper off and I open the box.
-Korean goodies- dad says, I love Korea!
-wow!- I say.
Chopsticks, t shirts, also some anime things.
Dad smiles.
-wait a minute- I say and pull a ten pack of my favorite Ramen out.
-YAYYYY- l say.
-looks like im gonna have to boil some water for you later- mom says, I giggle and nod.
We enjoy a slice of my birthday cake.
I still can't believe that dad is finally home (:
-you are probably receiving alot presents today- dad says.
Probably all from his friends haha, me? I don't have friends.

But hey, no friends no stress.
-nice hoodie- dad says.
I nod,-now we have twin hoodies- I say,-hell yeah- dad says.
-how are things going in school?- dad asks, my smile fades.
Mom sighs,-Angel is being bullied- mom says.
-oh, sounds like I'm gonna have to visit your school- dad says, I smile a little.
I tell him names of who bully me.
-don't worry, leave it to me- dad says.
-now let's celebrate your birthday!- dad says, I chuckle.
The doorbell rings,-go on- dad says.
I run to the door, I open it.
I gasp,-AUNT MALI- I say.
We hug, she smiles.
-happy birthday rockstar- she says.
I let her in.
I run back to the kitchen.
-aunt Mali is here!- I say.
Mum smiles.

After a long day of receiving presents and people coming to visit.
It's evening and I go to bed.
I walk to mom and dad.
-I'm going to bed- I say.
-okay, did you have a good day?- dad asks.
I nod,-yes, I'm very tired- I say.
-go to bed rockstar, go say goodnight to grandma and grandpa first hm?- mom says, I nod.
-bye!- I say.
-night huney!- dad says.
After I said goodnight to my grandparents and aunt Mali, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.

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