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(crew guy)

I walk outside of the venue where the tour bus us, behind tall black fences.
I enter the tour bus to give the plants water. I'm the person who keeps the plants and flowers alive in the bus.
After i did this, i go back to my dad who is taking an ice bath.

After i did this, i go back to my dad who is taking an ice bath

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-hi ice man- I say and walk towards him.
-hi plant kid- he says, I chuckle.
-have you finished your homework Gabriella?- he asks.
-I did, like 30 minutes ago- I say, he nods while looking at me.
-look at ya- he says.
I roll my eyes.
-mom would be so proud of you- he says.
-same to you, just don't almost die from a heat exhaustion again yeah?- I say, he giggles.
-I pinky promise- he says.
-I can't lose you too- I say.
-you won't darling- he says, I nod.
-can you do one more task for me?- he asks.
-yes, but after that i need time for myself- I say.
-ofcourse, can you do the dishes for me?- he asks, I nod.
-alright, scoot scoot- he says, I shake my head while laughing.
Idiot, I head back to the tour bus, I do the dishes wich is done pretty quick.
I turn around, someone enters the tourbus.
No not him again, it's Rick, i haven't seen him in 5 months, I thought that he either left or got fired.
He locks the door.
-hello- he says
Well... since 2019 he's been sexually assaulting me since he joined the crew of my dad's band. Since the day i met him sadly. I never told my dad about this because I'm scared to.
I thought that he left!
All the memories are coming back suddenly.
-leave- I say.
My heart is beating in my throat.
-well sadly I can't- he says, he starts closing the curtains.
-what do you want- I say.
-nothing much, just wanna help you in case you need my help- he says.
-I've heard this story before, Rick- I say.
He rolls his eyes.
-well you basically are asking for it- he says,
Excuse me.
-what makes you think this?!- I say.
-well, you are wearing like,a skirt so- he says... are you kidding me?!
-that doesn't mean that i want anyone, leave rick- I hiss at him.
Can't i just look nice?!
I grab my phone.
-leave- I say, he's coming closer.
-what are you gonna do- he says.
I quickly open whatsapp to call dad, he suddenly takes my phone.
-give it back!- I shout.
He throws it away somewhere, I heard something break... my phone is probably broken now.
He's right in front of me....
He grabs my wrists.
-don't make me hurt you- he hisses.
He let's my left wrist go... and he grabs a knife from his pocket.
It looks sharp...
I'm frozen in fear,-get on your bunk bed- he says.
-let me go please...- I whisper.
-do as i say- he says and pushes me away.
I walk to my bunk bed, i open the curtains and i sit on my bed.
He comes to me.
-lay down, head on pillow- he says, I do as im told.
He hovers over me, he shuts the curtains.
-see? This is way better if you just listen- he says.
Tears fill my eyes.
-see that huh?- he says.
-I'm a little excited to see you- he says, pretty quick i notice that, nevermind I don't even wanna say it.
-get off me please- I beg him.
-I can't, you made my friend down here excited and you have to fix it- he says.
-you are a monster- I say, he slaps my left cheek hard, I whine.
He sits between my legs.
-no!- I shout.
-quiet!- he says, I resist and try to push him off. I hit the knife out of his hands.
It ends up on the floor.
He quickly undoes his own jeans.
-you wanna do it the hard way huh? If thats what you want- he says.
I have had enough! I push him a away a little and i kick him between his legs.
He groans in pain, I quickly climb off my bunk.
I run to the door, shit I forgot.. it's locked!
I run back to the spot where my phone ended up.
I run back to the door, I open the curtains next to the door.
I climb on the kitchen counter, I'm not very tall, I open the window.
-CALUM- I shout, He turns his head towards me, he's having a smoke.
-Yeah?- he says.
-HELP ME- I shout, trying to climb through the window even though it's impossible because this is the smallest window ever.
He runs towards the door.
-whats going on?!- he says..

Calum's POV

-HELP ME HE LOCKED THE DOOR HES GONNA- suddenly Gabriella dissapears out of sight after being grabbed by someone.
I hear screaming.
-ASHTON!- I shout.
I hear her screaming again.
-yeah?!- he shouts
-I don't know why???- he says.
He runs over too me.
-something's wrong, i heard Gabriella scream and she said someone is in there with her- I explain.
We hear her scream again.
-goddammit!- ashton shouts.
-GABRIELLA HOLD ON- ashton shouts.
Ashton runs off to grab his keys.
I listen at the door.
Crystal and Michael join me.
-what is going on we heard shouting- Crystal says.
-someone is in there with Gabriella and he or she is hurting her. Ashton is trying to find the key to the bus door- I explain.
-I have it- michael says, showing his keys, I quickly take it.
Ashton comes back.
-don't worry man, michael has it- I say and unlock the door.
I let Ashton in first, me and michael follow after him.
-GABRIELLA- he shouts.
We find her in the back, WITH RICK HOVERING OVER HER.
ashton grabs him and drags him by his hair out of the bus while rick is cursing and shouting.
Me and Mike rush over to Maya.
Her skirt is down and her crop top is torn open, but when i wanna pull her in a hug, she pushes me away.
-don't touch me....- she whispers.
-go get Crystal- I say, michael nods.
-it's me, uncle cal- I say.
She doesn't even look at me.
Crystal enters, we leave them two be.

Crystal's POV
Calum and Michael leave us,-Gabriella, it's me, crystal- I say, she looks at me a little.
He tore her crop top open, her chest is visible.
-I'm gonna get you some new clothes- I say and get up.
I go to my suitcase, I grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie that was Michael's but is now mine he gave it to me.
I walk back to Gabriella, after a while she comes out a bit and I help her put some new clothes on.
-is that better?- I ask, she nods a little.
-can you tell me what happened?- I ask.
It took some patience but then she opens up, she tells me that she's been assaulted by him for years... and sometimes she even had to please him.
She thought that he left when she was about to tell ashton.
She just didn't know what to do, she's scared, I sigh.
I pull her in a hug.
-did he rape you Gabby?- I ask her.
She shakes her head,-but he was about to- she whispers, I nod.
She sits on my lap slowley, I hug her to my chest.
-I'm gonna tell your dad about what happened okay?- I say, she nods and gets up.
She sits on her dad's bunk bed.
I leave and head out to find ashton, they littarly threw Rick out of this place.
I tell him what has been happening...

Ashtons POV
When Crystal goes to find michael i go to Gabriella.
I close the door behind me, I find her on my bunk.
-hey- I say and sit next to her.
She looks at me, she has tears in her eyes.
-don't be scared, it's over now okay?- I say, without awnsering she hugs me.
-can you stay with me while i go to sleep? I'm scared- she asks.
-ofcourse, Sierra and Crystal will watch over you when your asleep during the gig okay?- I say, she nods.
-you can sleep in my bunk okay? I'll take yours, I don't think you wanna sleep there anymore- I say, she nods.
I help her lay down, she's still shaking.
-no blanket it's too warm- she whispers, i nod and kiss her forehead.
-sleep well sunshine, rick will die if he ever touches you again or even comes near- I say, she smiles and nods.
-go little rockstar- I sing, she closes her eyes.
I wait for her to fall asleep, it took awhile, the gig will start soon.
Crystal and Sierra watch over her during the gig, they enter the bus and I leave.
And yes.

rick left with a broken nose and a bruised eye.

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