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(Earthquake, contains curse words)

Michael's POV
Michelle enters the studio and hugs me.
-daddyyyy!- she says and giggles.
-hey how was school?- I say and pull her on my lap.
I give her a kiss.
-I'm gonna take a shower and then go out to get food, are the boys eating with us too?- Crystal says.
-yes, they are- I say, she nods and smiles at us two
The boys will be here soon.
Michelle is playing with my hair.
-was Michelle nice in school today?- I ask in a child-ish voice.
She smiles and nods.
-were youuuu?- mum asks.
She giggles and says,-yes mommy I was nice- she says.
-well school didn't call I suppose you was, lets get you candy from the kitchen- I say and pat her head.
Crystal smiles and leaves.
Michelle takes my hand, We go upstairs to the kitchen.
I put her on a stool.
I grab a small bowl from the cabinet, I grab the candy pot.
Michelle giggles and swings her legs.
-YAYYY- she says.
I put some candy in the small bowl.
I give it to her.
She starts eating it.
I give her head a kiss, the doorbell rings. I go there.
I open the door, it's Ashton we hug and I let him in.
-where's the little woman?- he asks while he's taking his shoes off.
Ashton loves Michelle alot.
-in the kitchen, eating her candy- I say whole closing the door.
He takes his coat off.
I go back to Michelle.
I take what's left in her bowl.
-that's mineee! I earny it!- she says and whines.
Reaching her hands out to me.
-after dinner you can eat whats left- I say, she mumbles.
-yes?- I say, she gets up.
I roll my eyes.
-UNCLE ASHTON- I hear her shout.
I smile and close the cabinet.
I turn around seeing Ashton carrying Michelle.
-would you like a drink mate?- I ask Ashton.
-sure, water is fine- he says, I nod.
Ashton puts Michelle down carefully.
-dad can I play in there?- she says, I grab Ashton a new bottle of water.
He takes it.
-sure but it's gonna rain soon so come inside then okay?- I say, she nods and runs off into the backyard.
After a chat with Ashton Crystal tells me that she's going to get dinner, Michelle is back.
-Legos Legos!- she shouts, I smile.
-mum will be back soon darling- Crystal says, Crystal leaves after she grabbed her keys.
-uncle Ashton, can we play with my Legos?- Michelle says, she's so sweet.
-yes, go get your legos- Ashton says, she runs to the stairs.
-walk Michi!- I shout a little,
Michi is her nickname.
-sorry dad- she says.
She walks up the staircase, she almost broke her leg because of running through the house once that is why I'm strict about it.

Michelle's POV

I walk upstairs and I enter my room, I grab my box of legos.
It's heavy ):
-daddy!- I shout.
-it heavy!- I shout.
-I'm coming!- he says, I pout.
I kick the box. I mumble, it's heavy!
But suddenly, the floor starts shaking.
I start walking backwards.
-DADDY- I shout.
-MICHI!- dad shouts.
I start crying.
Everything is shaking!
I run to my bed, but then my book shelf falls, I scream.

Everything is shaking!I run to my bed, but then my book shelf falls, I scream

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It falls on me, my sight goes black.

Michael's POV
Me and Ashton are hiding under the dining table.
I just heard Michelle scream!!
I Wanna go to her but Ashton won't let me.
-stay here! She's probably hiding under her bed- Ashton says.
Things fall off shelfs, we hear glass break.
I have never experienced a earthquake before.
After a few minutes it stops.
I get up from under the table.
I run upstairs.
-MICHI- I shout.
I enter her room, NO!
Michelle is stuck under her bookshelf.
Ashton runs into the room, we both lift up the heavy book shelf.
I lay Michelle on her back.
She has glass all over her.
-I'll get the first aid- Ashton says and runs downstairs.
I look at Michelle.
I slowley take the glass of off her, she has bleeding wounds on her back, face and also a few on her arms.
I lift her up,-daddy's gotcha- I whisper, I  lay her down on her bed.
My phone rings, I grab it.
I'm shaking, it's Crystal.
I awnser the call.
-baby! Are you okay?!- I say.
-yes, I'm fine, what about you all?- she says while breathing fast.
-me and Ash are fine. Michelle ended up under her bookshelf but don't worry, she's gonna be fine- I explain.
-okay, I'm gonna hang up, I'm almost home- she says,-okay, I love you. Be careful still- I say.
-I love you too huney- she says, I hang up.
Ashton is back.
Michelle wakes up.
-dad?- she whispers.
-you are okay huney- I say.
She starts crying.
-my back hurts- she says
-I know...- I say.
We pull the small pieces of glassout of her back mostly.
She's crying her eyes out.
-shhhh, it's okay- Ashton says.
After that Ashton and me clean her cuts that the glass caused.
-see? You are a strong girl- Ashton says, she smiles a little.
After the bleeding stopped I put small plasters on the deepest cuts.
I kiss her forehead, ashton goes downstairs cuz the doorbell rings.
I put her in fresh clothes.
I lift her up, she's still in shock of what happened.
I walk downstairs with her in my arms,
It's Calum.
-hey man- I say.
-hey, are you alright?- Calum asks.
-yeah, Michelle is injured because something fell on her but she'll be okay- I say and put Michelle down.
She refuses to let me go though, she's holding my leg.
Suddenly Crystal enters.
-MOMMY- Michelle shouts, Michelle runs to her, Crystal lifts her up, I walk to them and hug them.
-my two babies- i whisper.
-stop, it's too cute it makes me wanna vomit- Ashton says.
I smile.

We are all, okay

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