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I hear a knock on my door.
-yes?- I say, dad peeks his head inside.
-can you come downstairs? Your mother and me need to talk with you- dad says,-okey, I'll be downstairs in a minute- I say.
He seems sad, he nods and leaves.
Closing the door behind him, fuck my homework, I get up from my chair.
And who did I learn curse words from? Uncle Michael.
I go downstairs, i see mom and dad sitting at the dining table.
I join them
-so...?- I say.
They both seem a little sad.
-huney. Uh- mom says.
-I got it- dad says, mom nods.
-mom and dad don't love eachother anymore- dad says straight to the point.
-oh- i whisper
I don't really know what to say,
I honestly didn't see this coming.
-but mom and dad are not gonna divorce- dad says, but- now im confused.
-because we still wanna try to get the spark to come back- mom says, I nod.
-but for now what will change is that we will sleep separate from eachother and some things will change, but thats all. We just wanted you to know- dad says, I nod.
That's sad.
-what caused this?- I ask.
-we don't really know but we are gonna try to figure it out. And maybe the spark between us will come back- mom says,-I hope so- I say.
I sigh.
-I know honey, but everything always ends up alright right?- dad says, I smile and nod.
-go make you homework, we are gonna start making dinner- mom says, I nod.
I give them both a kiss.
-thanks for telling me- I say,-ofcourse- dad says.
I go back upstairs, my smile fades.
Owhhh ):


I just got back home from school, I hear mom giggling.
I peek my head around the corner, mom and dad are holding eachother and dancing slowley.
Like they used to.
I smile at them, dad looks at me.
He smiles and nods.
Looks like they found their spark back.
-mom? Dad?- I say.
They both look at me.
-are you two okay now?- I ask.
-yes huney, we talked about it alot. That probably helped too. But what it was is something we'd like to keep between us two- mom says.
-ofcourse mom, I still have some money. I'll go out to get sushi to celebrate this- I say.
-thats a great idea, thanks sweetie- dad says.
I nod,-you can go fuck on the couch til I'm back- I say.
-very funny Cellen- dad says, I laugh and leave.

I love this family..

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