chapter 1, who is he?

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today was a boring day as usual thought Bruce, Bruce walked to school feeling good today! But in the same time having to see teenagers who go on and on about why they should be Bruce friend! Bruce was so sick and tired that he will one day become president and once he does he will shoot every person who has come and told to be there Friend, well that's until another what 20 years but it will be worth it. Bruce opened the door to enter the stall, that's where he saw his best friend finney Blake and Jennifer campa, sure he had a friend that was a girl but he knew Jennifer for a long time and he knows she would never betray him and plus she is lesbien so nothing between would ever happen not until millions of years!

"Hey bruce!" "Hey finns!!" "HEYY BRUCEY WUCEY IN MY POOSAY!" "HEYY JENN BENN BEAR!" I smiled wide and hugged my friend who i have been dying to see over the weekend. "Umm Bruce?" "Ya finney?" "Look!" "its just robin?" "Hide me! Is he coming?!" "BRUCE BRUCE BRUCEE HEYYY THERE MY MAN!"
"Uh hey robin?" "Have u seen finney?" I looked over to finney and he started to shake his head alot but I remembered finney has a big fat crush on robin sooo he should thank me for this even tho he never asked me too but to bad! "Yea I seen him" "Oh where?" "Finneyyyy..." "you....little...bitch" "thank me later and now hangout with your pookie bear!" Robin walked with finney and finney turned around to flip me off! How rude! I got him a hangout with his crush and he does this too me? Little pussy! I talked to Jennifer on my way to class until Jennifer brought up someone that I never knew about? I was basically the most popular kid in school and I never knew about this kid before? I need to know who is this teen!

Jennifer and I walked over to our first class we had which was history boring I know but it's better than having math in 7am in the morning right! "Hey Jennifer who is this person your talking about?" Jennifer stopped what she was doing and turned to face me like I just Exploded her baby girls or whatever. "Your joking.." "no?" "YOU LITERALLY LIVE UNDER A ROCK LIKE THE FUCK??" "umm just tell me!" "Your saying you never knew about vance hopper?" "Nope" "your gay" "What! Just because I don't know some kid doesn't make me gay!" "WHO DOESNT KNOW WHO HE IS BRUH!" "UM ME HELLO?" "Ok fine since I'm sooooo nice I wilk tell u everything about him since YOU KNOW NOTHING !" "Whatever shut up and tell me!" "Vance hopper also known as pinball vance is the most-" I heard commotion aside me and when I turned around I saw a blondie walking past me while another kid beside him talking, I didn't see much but did his hair look like a mess! Does he even care for his hair? Does he even realize how majestically fine he looks- "ayyy Bruce you even listening?" "Yea sorry um come on let's go to class!"

I opened the door and saw some people inside but I saw Jennifer friend who waved at her, I guess I am gonna sit alone today after all. I sat at the back because I know all of this already so I don't really need to pay attention much. Class started a few minutes ago until a loud bang filled inside the room, everyone turned there including me to see what was that ! "Well nice to see you join hopper has anyone told you how gorgeous you look-" "fuck off bitch" o was shocked that the teacher has said that to a minor plus how that kid cussed at the teacher! I would of been dead if I did that! I noticed tge kid walking towards me and sitting next me to, clearly other seats available but I guess he choose me? And that last name sounds particularly familiar..." pipsqueak ya gonna keeping staring at me or want me to kick your ass ?" "Hm? Oh shit um sorry!" "Bitch" rude! He could of said something else but whatever! I need to ignore him anyway I have a education to live but I'm guessing he doesnt..

I was taking some notes until I felt something hitting hard on my head, I turned around to see the same kid but smirking this time. "What?" "Um nothing you hitted my head so?" "You look gay" "I'm not gay!" I whispered to the mysterious boy next to me. "Gay bitch" "leave me alone dude!" "Well you decide to sit at MY seat so no bitch!" "Pftt your seat? Has your name on it or what?" "Yea fucker" he then went to pick up my arm that was covering half of the table and the initial said, V.H.B what did that mean? "What does it mean?" "My name,last and bitch" "whats your name then?" "You don't know who the fuck I am?" "Uhm no duh that's why i asked?" "Ay watch it bitch" "I'm not scared of you?" "Yea? If I wanted to I could beat the gut out of you infront of everyone" "do it." "Nah I don't waste my time for dorks" "pussy" "who ya calling a pussy?" "You" "I watch what I would  say." "What's your name?" "None of your business" "but I wanna know?" "Well no?" "...bitch.." "What u say asshat?" "None of your business" "bitch..." I payed attention to the board instead of paying attention whatever that dude was. He really thinks im scared of him? Fuck no he looks like a mop that's been soak for like 4 hours. All I was excited was meeting that kid that Jennifer brought up about! I wonder if he is nice also! And please that he won't know me at all!

But Bruce was wrong.


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