chapter 2, THATS HIM?

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Third person POVVV:
Bruce was all jumpy this morning, no one knew why except him which was meeting the kid duh! Lunch came around and that's where Bruce saw Jennifer so he came too her to ask where is this kid she has been talking about that has made bruce all jumpy!
"Jenny Jenny who is it!" "Ok ok wait! Let's walk a little and if we see him I will tell you okay?" "Okay!" They both walked around talking about random stuff, including what happened to Bruce in class from the morning. "Yea I know right? He was such a dick!" "Uh tell me about it he sounds like one!" Jennifer then pulled Bruce aside, this made bruce confused why has she done this. "What the hell! Ow" "shhshshs ! That's the guy I was telling you about" Bruce wonder was the guy that bad to make Jennifer pull him over almost smacking his face from the lockers?! Bruce turned to see the face he wasn't expecting..

"THATS HIM?" "SHUT UR LITTLE ASS UP!" "Sorry sorry! But that's him?" "Uh no shit yes!" "Dude that was the guy I was talking about history!" "HE SAT NEXT TO YOU?" Bruce nodded and Jennifer was terrified for Bruce funeral. "How aren't you not beaten to death right now?" "I mean I wasn't the nicest to him either so I don't really know? But all I know is that I'm not being friends with that dick!" After Bruce said that last sentence he was pushed roughly on the lockers which hurted like a bitch. "Ow what the fuck!" "Move it fat ass" "fuck you!" Vance stopped and turned around again, Jennifer covered Bruce mouth this time so he won't say any more dumbe shit before his ass gets beaten like a stick! "what he meant to say is sorry! Now we both should get goin-" vance didn't like being controlled and especially by dorks, "Shut the fuck up bitch I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to your little friend" Jennifer nodded fast and stood there like a lost puppy in the road. "What the fuck u say to me?" "Fuck you are you death or-" Vance came closer and bruce realize how tall was vance which made bruce to look up to see his angry face. "Say it to my face unless your teeth all gone" "I'm not scared of you!" "Oh yea?" Vance pushed bruce to the lockers hard making a slamming sound that caught everyone's attention. Bruce stood still against the lockers holding onto one of them while looking into face with an "I don't give 2 shits" look. Vance grabbed Bruce's shirt with two arms, making bruce float a little.  "I would watch the attitude unless you want to go home with a broken dick." Then vance slammed him in the lockers once again and left. Bruce fell backwards and arched of pain in the back of his head, "omg bruce are you okay?! I told you to stop! That's dick" "it's alright I'm fine!" Bruce went to touch his head to realize his head was bleeding, bruce has been hitted before but not to the point where he bleeds out blood! "I-i I gotta go um see ya jen-jenny!" Bruce was shocked how the kid he wanted to meet so bad was a pain in the ass, bruce opened the restroom door and panic of what to do.

"Hey" Bruce jumped at the sound of the voice, when Bruce turned around he saw a familiar face... "oh hey?" "Your Bruce right?" "Yea wait who are you?" "I'm Zack, Zack Cortez nice to meet you" "Oh um sorry but who are you from? I don't.. wait aren't you" "Vance friend?" "Yea...?" "Yea well he told me to check on you so what did he do to you?" "He asked you.. what?!" "Yea a few seconds ago I was walking and he looked passed so I asked him what was up and he said"

"just go and check on the kid who is right next to Jennifer" "may u ask why?" "Do it or I will cut them bitches off your dick" "got it I'm going!" 

That left Bruce shocked but he doesn't know If this kid was lying to him or saying the truth.. "well what did he do?" "Um.. I kinds got him mad and talked back so he went all crazy at me" Zack wasn't surprised, but what surprised him was that Bruce wasn't dead like vances other victims..

"Let me help you" then Zack went closer to bruce to help him with the scars he has and his head that was bleeding out alot. "Ow..OW OWOWOW!" "calm down" "that HURTS ow... OW!" "almost.. and done!" "Thanks...that curly haird bitch will pay for my hairstylist!" "Whoa calm down your not scared who vance is?" "Fuck no that mop head ass bitch can't do nothing" "you haven't seen him fight before haven't you?" "I don't even know who the hell he is" "basically vance hopper is the most strongest teen in this whole school, many newbies get bullied by him because they don't know him. If someone does anything to him like giving him dirty looks or other shit he will pound on you until you ahev broken a bone or passed out, surprisingly he didn't really di anything to you" "pfft I aint scared of him" "Well he was gonna go fight some kid after school so you should come and watch, don't worry it's on me if he asks why you were their" "thanks" "Well I should go, see ya later bruce!" "Bye!"

Bruce was shocked of how vance was crazy to even beat up a kid without a good reason, but this didn't make Bruce scared of vance hopper Bruce didn't care at all. Bruce left the restroom to find Jennifer until he saw her finally! "Bruce are you okay?" "Yea some kid came and helped" "who?" "Vances friend" "WHAT?!" "yea he said vance asked him to check on me" "wow that's not what I expected from vance.." "🤷🏻‍♂️"

Bruce and Jennifer had some time left to eat lunch so they went to the cafeteria to eat some food atleast. Brucr couldn't get his mind of why vance asked his friend to help bruce even tho vance acted like a total ass, he still made sure that bruce was okay... odd.



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