chapter 13, got you now.

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school was over thank the lords! I walked with finney and his younger sister Gwen, we both chatted till I was at my stop and had to say goodbye. "Well this is my stop byeee!" "Byee manwhore" "byee lover bruceee!" I yelled at them and walked into my house, I remembered that vance was going to come over so I called him to see if he was even home yet.

I went over to the living room and called vance. "Who the fuck is this?" "Um hi vance! It's bruce" "Oh. Hey bruce" "are you still-" I was talking till I was interrupted by vance. "Im about to leave don't worry" "Oh okay!" We talked a bit and hanged up, I waited for vance so I sat at the couch and watched TV.

The door ringed and I went to opened the door, I opened the door to then felt a hard bang on the wall. I couldn't even breath, I was pinned to the wall by vance..

Vance missed bruce, he missed his touch of his soft cherry lips and even his gorgeous face. Once the door was open, bruce didn't even get to say come in or hello because vance instantly pinned bruce to the wall kissing him. Bruce was shocked but he didn't argue, because he did also miss vance. Vance hands were on the wall while his lips on bruces, vance then picked Bruce up placing him down on the counter still roughly kissing bruce.

Bruce wanted to hangout and maybe talk about yesterday but that could wait till Tomorrow right now he is enjoying himself. Vance placed his hands on Bruce's thighs which made bruce look making bruce get butterfly in his stomach. "Bruce, my eyes are up here" Vance placed his fingers to bruce jaw making bruce look up. Once bruce looked up vance brought him again kissing him. This time it was sloppy and mess, vance then again placed his hands on bruce waist and his other hands on bruce thigh.

Bruce couldn't say or do anything because it felt like a trapped, but not in a bad way. Bruce's feelings were werid, did he like vance? Of course he did! But did vance liked bruce? Hopefully yes is what bruce thought. Vance stopped kissing bruce and went over for his neck, Bruce's arms were around vance's neck while vance's face was on bruce neck and his arms were on Bruce's thighs. "You knew this would of happen bruce" Vance whispered to bruce, and yes bruce did know this would happen if he invited vance over but didn't think much of it.

"Mhm" is all bruce could say. "What was that? Hmm?" "Mh-" before Bruce could finsh his sentence, vance softly rub bruce thigh, okay now THIS actually made bruce almost fall and start both barking AND meowing. (Bruce furry?!) Bruce thought what to say because everything was going way to fast. "Uhmhm" vance started nibbling on bruce neck leaving marks on his neck. "Yes, ye-yes I knew" "and you did it anyways, didn't you?" "Yes.." bruce felt embarrassed knowing that himself wished and hoped this would happen and not wanting vance to find out.

Vance smirked to himself and once again started making out with Bruce. (DANG they never stop kissing I swear)
Bruce's legs where around vance. Bruce passionately kissing vance and this went on till..

Bruce woke up, he jumped up and looked where he was. He was in his room and vance was on the other side oh the bed sleeping nicely. Bruce realized it was all a dream. Which kinda disappointed bruce, bruce needed to use the restroom and when he finished he check his mirro when he was washing his face and saw bite marks and purple marks on his neck. So this wasn't a dream? Bruce was giggling again, bruce has some addition for whatever makes him smile or flutterd he giggles. Heads up bruce always giggles around vance.

Bruce felt 2 stronger arms around him,

"I got you now"



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