chapter 6, fake friends

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I felt a hard tap on my shoulder and i turned around to see it was vance?! What the hell does he want from me now! "Um hey?" "Zack wants you to go to a party he is gonna have" "Oh where is he?" "None of your business?" "Actually it is because he is asking me a question and I want to talk with him" "Look pipsqueak I wouldn't ask anymore questions and just answer my goddam question, are ya going or not?" "Chill and yea sure" "and by the way you have something on your face" I was going to rub my face until vance picked his hand up and wiped something off my cheek and left, left me shocked.

"WHAT DID I JUST WITNESSED?" I turned around and saw Jennifer standing in shocked, I turned around facing the lockers from embarrassment and I knew I looked like a red tomato. "No-nothing! Come on let's go to class" "nu uh uh! Tell me!" "Shut up! I will byt later okay?" "Okayyyyy wait.. brucey.. are you.. blushing?" "NONONONO!"
I walked off to my class still looking red and thankfully no one was there except, fuck.. that white bitch chick. Could life be any worse right now?

"Bruceyyyyy come sit next to me!" "Um sorry I uh" "he sitting with me" I heard a voice that I didn't recognize and it was some kid like about 6,1 ft with brown hair and looks like a person who skates. "Oh buy he just came?" "And? I'm sitting with him so fuck off" "whatever..bitch" "Hey ya good?" "Yea thanks" "my name is Brad! Nice to meet ya" me and Brad walked to a table to sit down and we started to talk about eachother and werid shit I couldn't even say because in every sentence we would laugh. "My my dog ate a fucking fat fucking- IM SORRY BAHAA" "BAHAA A WHAT?" "SHOE" "WHAT" I laughed as hard till I couldn't even breath, Brad was dying in the seat while I was almost going to falk from my seat.

Class started and I could feel stares looking at me, I tried to ignore my thoughts but I would turn my eye and could see someone staring at me hard. I eventually realized that it was vance? Why would he be staring? Werid.
I wrote some notes down and I see Brad drawing dicks on the desk. "What the" I said whispering to Brad so the teacher wouldn't hear. "I know I'm an artist" I giggled and turned back to the board to write down the notes once again.

I was bored and I turned over again what was brad doing but all he was doing was drawing on his arm, I was concerned and peaked over I was amazed of the drawing on his arm.
"Thats really good! Could I take a pic?" Brad looked at me and smiled while nodding his head, i took my phone out and took a quick pic and after that I posted it on Instagram. I didn't have brads insta so I asked for it and he gave it to me, I hope he doesn't mind me posting about his amazing art!

b4uce.y2 has posted a new photo!

Crazy art looking fire @brads.myass


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Sick dude!

I rather have Brad as my tattoo artist!

Omg! Bruce posted!

That shit cool ngl
  Shelly.belly has responded to jenny.wenny: who the fuck is you?

   Jenny.wenny replied: your ass nvm you don't got one.

Fuck that's cool!

That looks amazing!

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Class finally ended and I waited for Brad   so we can talk about what classes we have. I know I met Brad since an hour ago but he is a really nice dude when you see him he looks like he could beat your ass but once you talk to him more he is more funny and werid. "Come on brucey!" "Seriously." "It's a good nickname" "whatever" we both left the classroom and I was going to show Brad to Jennifer so they could meet and all be friends!

"Hey wanna meet my friend?" "Sure" "jenn-" i stopped to hear what Jennifer was saying because she was talking to her friends and i dont want to bug her while she talks. "Yea bruce i don't even want to be his friend, i used him for popularity" "bahha wait till he finds out!" "He is gonna be sad because he literally loves you to death!" "He is so dumb for not realizing i wouldn't use him, because who wouldn't?" They all laughed while i was shocked and heart broken realizing my best bestest friend only used me for something people always use me as.

I felt tears in my face and I decided to walk away instead of fighting back because what's the point? That wouldn't make myself feel better. I walked to Brad and he looked concerned but never asked me anything which was good. "Hey um imm use the bathroom so just go to your next class okay?" "Okay..are you okay?" "Yea dont worry." Brad smiled and walked away and this was my time to rush to the bathroom.

The movement I got to the bathroom was the time I cried and cried and cried. I don't know why but it hurts so much losing someone you loved and trusted with your dearest life and they could easily backstab you without you realizing. Was I a bad friend? I cried again until I heard the door opend and loud stomps filled the room, I wasn't in a stall I was in the corner of the sink because I could make it to the stalls in time.

When I looked up I saw it was


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