chapter 3, this fight

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Lunch was now over like an hour ago and now I was in math, which was sad because I hate math but I'm good at it. I looked at my surroundings, until I was pushed over and fell straight to the ground head first AGAIN. "Fuck.." I said quietly even tho there wasn't anyone just a few kids tho. "Move it fat ass" "what is your problem with me?" "You were in my seat" "what you own all the seats all of the sudden?!" "Fuck off" "bitch" I touched my head again and thank God it wasn't bleeding but my head still arch in pain and it kept on hurting in pain. I think I might get paralyzed from hitting my head so much!

Students came in and that's where I saw Zack again, he waved at me and I waved back while he sat next to vance. I laid my head in my arms that were on top of the desk, I really didn't want to be here. I then saw a girl walk past by and she has the aducity to put her ass in my face. "Oopise!" She then bended down to grabbed her books she supposedly "drop" "bro what the fuck ew!" "You like this brucey right???" "GET your ass away from-" this bitch didn't even let me finish instead she laughed and sat next to me. Great this class will take days, months or even years so I could leave and especially from this white whore beside me.

"Aww brucey your sooo cutee!" I ignored her and saw the teacher walk in. "Morning class get your notebooks out because you will be having a project, and this won't be about math so thus should be easy!" Some student then yelled out something that I Also wanted to know. "What is this project about?" "Oh its glad you asked, this project is about dogs" the teacher then came out with a German shepherd that had a collar chest saying, Police shepherd. "This dog is why many reason people live, so I thought instead of giving a math lesson I would show you the importance of this dog" this should be easy actually! "You will work with the person next to you!" Never mind this wilk take Years. "Yay! Aren't you exitced brucey!" "Mhm" "Oh come on you know you want me, I'm every guy wants!" "Well I'm not interested sorry" "don't worry I will get you to love Me" "😟" I was scared of a girl, a crazy whore actually.

The teacher explained what had to be done and class was almost over already which was good but I didn't want to deal with that girl I don't even know her name! The belled ringed and I was already ready so I rushed out to see Jennifer YES THANK YOU THE PERSON I BEEN NEEDING TO SEE! "heyyy" "OMG I MISSED YOU PLEASE LETS GO" "um why what's wrong but sure?" I was so close but my name was called out and I goarn. But the voice wasn't a girl voice the voice sounded like... Zack?

"Hey bruce!" "Hey zack" "why was you shaking In class today?" "Vance didn't tell you?" "No??" "He pushed me out of a seat. AGAIN" "wow he does really hate you but not in the worst way" I laughed until I heard yelling and screaming, shit! I forgot about the fight. "Ay it's on come!" I grabbed Jennifer with me and followed Zach to see the fight. "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" "BEAT HIS ASS!!" "VANCE COME ON!!" "FIGHT!" I heard yellings from the people who were there. Damn was this fight personal? "Ok this fight is between vance and Daniel" "What caused this?" I asked Zach. "Daniel loves talking shit so vance had to pull up, everyone hates Daniel so" "ohhh okay" "Shut up! Let me watch" I turned around and saw vance beating this shit out of this kid named Daniel. I never seen a real fight because everyone are pussy, I say I am too but this fight was actually interesting and I was going to the point where the others would say how am I alive? How has vance hasn't beat the shit out of me yet? I mean I was rude and a bitch to him so why hasn't he done anything taht bad to me? I'm not asking for it! Thank God that isn't me but why didn't I get beaten up..?



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