chapter 17, falling for you

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Vance and Kayla arrived at the stupid whore house and vance knocked pretty loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. Minutes came by  and someone came to open the door, vance assumed the lady was Jennifer mom because Jennifer is wayyy uglier then the lady infront of him.

"Hello Ms campa I would just love to see Jennifer can you bring her down if she is home?" Kayla explained faking a smlie but knew that would go away. "oh yes! JENNIFER GET YOUR ASS DOWN!" The lady yelled out loud. "What!?!? Oh.." Jennifer looked shocked and was going to go back to her room. "Come here Jennifer we just want to talk." Kayla said  looking at vance who nodded.

Jennifer walked away from the house with the two angry people and once they were far away from the house vance immediately pound on her. "YOY LITTLE BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL BRUCE?? HM?" Vance yelled while he was on top on her yelling in her face. "I-i- I didn't say anything!" Jennifer screamed in pain because vance was pushing his weight on her"

"Okay okay vance I think your going a little to harsh on her" Kayla said trying to get him off her. Kayla took vance off Jennifer and vance was pushing Kayla away because he hated being held back. Kayla came closer to Jennifer to talk to her. "What the fuck did you tell bruce?Bruce?!" "Look I didn't want him near vance and a-and I showed him fake stuff so bruce could finally back off!" Vance was shocked and even more angry after finding out why Bruce ignored him for some stupid chicks fault.

Kayla was mad, actually angry because someone told her son they are useless and no one should be called that! Kayla grabbed Jennifer and yelling shit to her face. "Why the fuck did you tell Bruce that he is useless and said that vance was just using him??" Vance jaw dropped to the ground and pushed Kayla aside to see Jennifer. "YOU WHAT?!" Vance yelled in Jennifer ears earning some yelps from Jennifer. "Tell vance what you told Bruce or I will let vance be the shit out of you Jennifer." Kayla said coming closer to the both teens.

"Or what?! I'm not scared of this mop!" Jennifer yelled out trying to let go of vance grip. "I will choke you to death until you can't breath anymore bitch" vance said dragging Jennifer to a walk and bashing her body on it. "Ok okay! I just told him he was useless and that you were using him so he could go and leave so me and you could be together vancey poo!" Jennifer explained looking at vance in the eyes. Vance didn't even say anything he bashed Jennifer in the ground and started to punch her in the face, he knew he is not allowed to hit girls but this girl is just a whore for crying out loud.

Kayla then stopped vance from hitting Jennifer and Jennifer was crying and sobbing while she has bruises and a black eye from what vance did to her. Kayla came closer to Jennifer and started to punch her and kick Jennifer, she then mouth something to Jennifer and let vance beat the shit out of her again. "You don't ever talk shit about my son you hear me?" Kayla whispered in Jennifer ear while Jennifer was whimpering and sobbing from all the punches and kicks


Kayla and vance walked back over to the Yamada house and Kayla went to unlock the door. Vance was going back to his house but Kayla begged vance to come with her as bruce was crying and she hated seeing her son cry. "You think he is gonna want to see me?" Vance said looking over at Kayla who seems excited to see her son finally happy. "Oh please! He been crying over you and cares what you think about him! Of course just comfort him is all he needs and he needs you." Kayla said before opening the door for both her and vance

Vanve felt werid hearing that Bruce was crying over him but vance wants to make Bruce happy so he decides to go with Kayla plan hoping it works. When Kayla entered she step aside to let in vance, vance went inside walking nervously if Bruce was mad at him or didn't want to see him. "He is upstairs and please make him happy, your the only thing he ever talks about" Kayla said with a sad smile and pointing upstairs. Vance nodded and started walking upstairs trying to find Bruce's room since there was alot of rooms.

Vance was going to ask which room was Bruce's until he cane across one room that said 'bruce:)' vance Smiled and instead of walking in he knocked like every normal person would. Vance knocked a few times and heard someone say come in. Vance opened the door to see Bruce siting on his bed with his knees up to his chest and his head down, he looked like he was still crying. Bruce looked up to see the person he dearly missed but was to scared to talk too and afterall Bruce didn't know if vance was actually using him or not.

"Vance..? Why are you here?" Bruce said wiping his tears away from his face. "I came to see you" vance said looking straight at Bruce. "But why? You only used me, I don't get why you still want to see me" Bruce said but looking at his feet instead of doing eye contact. Vance came closer to bruce and placed his hand on bruce chin making bruce to look at him. "Bruce I would never use you, why would you ever think that?" Vance said rubbing bruce cheek with his thumb. "Well It's just everyone is right, I'm nothing I'm just someone who got lucky and that's the only reason why people use me" Bruce whispered out. "But Bruce you are someone, you might not matter to no one but you matter to me, I love you bruce and only you" vance said landing a small kiss on bruce forehead, earning small giggles from Bruce.

"Are you sure?" Bruce said looking straight into vance blue gorgeous eyes. "If I wasn't sure bruce, I think I wouldn't had fallen for you." Vance said smiling. Bruce giggled again. Vance kissed Bruce in his lips this time but this was a soft kiss that the two boys enjoyed. "Vance" Bruce said breaking the kiss. "Yes love?" Vance said looking deep into bruce brown coffee eyes. "I think I'm falling for you" Bruce said giggling at the end. "Oh really?" Vance said and before Bruce could even say anything, vance tackled bruce in his bed earning loud giggles from Bruce.

Kayla was drinking her tea and then heard loud giggles from upstairs, she smiled knowing all bruce needed was someone to love him for him and that person was...

Vance hopper.




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