chapter 15, mommy helps out

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finney tried and really he did but Bruce wouldn't stop crying. He comforted Bruce but Bruce wouldn't take it, I mean he liked the company but he still wouldn't stop sobbing like a baby. Oh how bruce little heart was broken to many pieces, he hasn't felt this way ever since he found out his last date was cheating on him with some white chick. Bruce didn't believe in love but vance has brought that to him but now vance has made bruce stop believing..

"Bruce come on! It's vance the vance hopper! What did you expect?" "Finn you wouldn't understand, when robin talked to you did you thing he would even talk to you?!" "Um no but that's different robin is a smart, caring person unlike you!" "What?!" "Yea unlike my friends they are amazing but you?! The group doesn't even like you either" "okay stop with the games please!" "No bruce you need to realize that nobody ever needed you! Nobody loves you or cares for you"

Finney then got up and slammed the door straight away. Bruce cried again but this time he laid in the couch stomach flat on the couch and his face on a pillow while sobbing. Bruce sobbed all over at his pillow and mutter stuff.

The door opened but Bruce didn't mind even looking to see who it was. "Hey hun I brought you some chips- oh my!" Bruce ignored who was talking and sobbed again but quietly this time.

"Bruce what's wrong?" "Nothing" "your crying whats wrong?" Bruce mumble random stuff Instead of saying something. Kayla also known as Bruce's mother knew about vance and how does she know about him? Well Kayla is Bruce's therapist(I fr need me one like her) she guides and helps Bruce wuth everything, bruce is usually always happy with everything but once she sees her son in pain she does everything she can to help him even if it had to risk something for her she couldn't see her son in pain, neither for Amy.

"Why don't you call finney?" "He is one of the reasons why I'm like this!" Bruce sobbed out. "Well what about vanc-" Kayla didn't even ended her sentence because from right there Bruce started to sob even louder and higher. "Bruce sweetie what's wrong? I know I may do much but talking with someone might make you feel better?" Kayla said being patient with Bruce. "W-well vance was using me, my body!" Bruce cried out.
"Hey do you know that?" Kayla letting out a soft sigh. "Jennifer told m-me" Bruce said as he sounded disappointed "you really believe her? All she is, is a slut for crying out loud!" Kayla said scofing and rubbing Bruce's cheek "but but-t what if she right? Finney said it himself, 'no one likes you! Not even the others do too', what if he isn't lying" Bruce said sobbing again all iver his face.

Kayla hugged bruce for comfort knowing how much Bruce loved finney but also how bruce loved vance. Kayla didn't like seeing Bruce like this so she decided she would have a 'talk' with Jennifer since Kayla knew where Jennifer lived she will have an amazing definitely talk with her oh right!

"Hun why don't you stay here and I will go to the store " Kayla said before walking over to Bruce one more time. "Okay mom" Bruce said after leaving to his room. Kayla would not let some white bimbo ruin her sons relationship so she thought the most nicest way to psychically stop Jennifer from whatever dumbshit she is doing!

Oh how Jennifer will get a taste of Kayla Yamada fist. This won't be good, well of course harming someone younger is bad and who ever does that is a bitch  (GRABBER) but Kayla is doing a job to help bring back brance just the way she wants to. She is bring back,

Real love


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