chapter 8, guided vance

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I sat in slience without making a noice but through my head there was alot of noises between my thoughts like, "why is Bruce here?" "Why am I alone with him?" "Please hurry" "I feel werid" "why am I red?" "HURRY FUCKER!" The door opened, I turned my head to see it was the principle with not mean look but with a look "I don't want to be here"  type of look.

"Vance what the hell were you thinking?" I sat in slience and bruce was sitting straight looking uncomfortable and honestly I was too. "Look I won't do anything because that girl wouldn't shut up but her parents are gonna put me to court! So I wouldn't want that to happen and for now on Bruce will guide you" my eyes widen, I was shocked. I didn't want some teachers pet following me around saying no don't do that!the fuck.

"What?! Come on!" "It's either that or I will tell your father" "tell him and I will burn your fucking house down." "Young man you have no reason to talk to me like that!" "Ohhh watch me bitch I ain't a pussy but say shit to my dad then I will chop them fake wigs from your big ass scalp" "leave! And Bruce please take an eye on him" "yea ma'am" "stupid bitch" "excuse me?" "What vance meant to say was we should go now bye!"

That little bitch thinks she can talk to me like that, just because she is the principle she can't do shit! "Vance what on earth was that?" "Shut it" "Whatever now I'm suck with you!" "You think I wanted this?" "Then why did you punched Jennifer?" "Because" "because?" "None of your business" "what's your next class?" "I'm skipping" "Nope come on I think you have history" "What no! Let go stoppp!"

Bruce made me go to this little stupid class which I didn't wanna go! But inside of me couldn't stop and punch his guts out.. I feel weird around him but I try to ignore him! He keeps getting on me!
I entered the classroom with Bruce and we sat in the back of the room. The movement I sat down is when I fell asleep, well I was until stupid Bruce has to wake me up!

"Ay pay attention" "" I looked around to see Bruce writing notes down. This was so boring! This bitch better let me go to the grab n go or I will end his whole life! I mean if I can try.

Part of me wanted to tell Bruce that the guy he was with, Brad, was a terrible man. Bruce didn't know but Brad is a psycho guy that makes people friends and hurts them with all the power he can. And I didn't want Brad to hurt Bruce's poor little soul, only I could not him.

Bruce's phone lit up and he checked his phone and he then showed it to me.
It was Zach and he said if i could take Bruce to his party because I knew where Zach lived. "Uhhggg fine" "yay!" Bruce giggling made me flustered but why? I wasn't gay right? I can't! Or my father would kill me. But he doesn't have to know.....right?


580 WORDSSS😘😭😹🤯🏃‍♀️🙈😽🙊

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