chapter 7, alone together

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Vance was talking with his friends when he saw a specific teen running to the bathroom looking like he was about to cry. So vance did what he woukd do, follow the boy and say that Zach wanted vance to check on him! Easy right.

Vance told his friends he was gonna skip and leave on to his house so they wouldn't wanna come and skip with him. Vance opened the door and heard muffles and sobbings. Vance came closer to the sounds and saw that it was Bruce? Bruce Yamada?!

"What?" Bruce said snapping at vance who technically didn't do anything. "Zach wanted me to check up on you? I could leave" "oh wait! Please don't?" "Why the fuck would I listen to you?" "You asked me?" Vance Signed as he was defeated by twerp, how embarrassing.

Vance sat beside Bruce and now he had realized what was happening, bruce was crying for godsake! "Um yo good?" "Ye-yes why would I be?" "I came here for a reason pipsqueak now hurry up I don't got all day" "and why should I open up to you? You would make fun of me and laugh away telling everyone" "you want help or wanna keep crying like a pussy?" "Fine. It's about my friend she used me" "wait... is it that bitch who has daddy issues?" "Um I mean she does-" "Jennifer campa?" "Yea.. wait how-" "you crying for that hoe? Pftt" "you wouldn't undertake" "how so? Just because I'm tough and shit doesn't mean I'm dumb for fucks?" "You are .." "Look I came here to help NOT for your damn response" "sorry.." "What did she do?"

Bruce went over explaining everything to vance like they were friends, even tho they weren't but Bruce felt like he has known vance for a long time just by talking with him. And that's when it hitted Bruce, he couldn't breath nor see. It's happening again. Bruce panic at what was happening he was embarrassed by vance seeing him like this way but right now Bruce is trying to calm down, he can't without his mom.

Bruce stopped talking and started kicking his legs a little before crying again and holding his chest. "Whoa whoa calm down what's wrong?" "I-i- breath!" Is all Bruce could manage to speak out. Was this vance's first time dealing with someone having a panic attack? Yes, yes he has indeed with helping his step brother griffen. Vance knew what to do but he didn't know what he would do woukd be okay with Bruce because Bruce wasn't griffen so it wouldn't be the same.

Vance grabbed Bruce closer to him and tried talking with him so he could try and talk back with vance. "Where does it hurt?" Bruce then pointed at his chest and again was crying, vance then rubbed his chest trying to do everything he knows to help Bruce, thank god vance followed Bruce oh who would of known what would of happen to bruce all alone, by himself actually alone together.

A few minutes go by and bruce calms down a little hut his breathing is still out rangerours. Eventually Bruce fell asleep over vance shoulder and vance was red but had to think what to do. Vance thought of leaving Bruce in the nurses office and leaving a note for Bruce to know. That is what vance ended up doing.Vance left the office and thought, why did he even help Bruce? He hates Bruce and Bruce's hates him to where did all his impolitness go?

Vance had one more job to do and it was something he should had before.

Few minutes later...

Blood, screams, sounds of people yelling  like crazy. Vance didn't stop and he wouldn't until a teacher cane and took him away from the slut. Vance hitted and yanked Jennifer's hair and broke body bones of the girls body while she was screaming in pain and the people where watching and yelling, "beat her ass" "fight!" I'm guessing people really did hate Jennifer, no wonder. Vance pushed her around the floor and banging her head everywhere, vance knew he should have never ever hit a girl even for the dumbest reason but this reason wasn't dumb.

"Why! Stop!" "Why? Your asking why bitch?" Vance grabbed Jennifer closer to his mouth so she could hear what he had to say. "Next time I would keep them shitty ass mouth talking about bruce" "why you even care?" Why did vance even care in the first place? Who knows. "The only thing you should care is your slutty ass away from bruce" Vance didn't even let the girl finish because he slammed her on the ground and punching her again until vance felt a grip on his shoulders being pulled away. "Fuck you white slutty ass bitch!" "Watch it hopper come on!" Is what the teachers said, the teacher sounded mad but was he really mad? No not really because vance did a huge favor for shutting the slutty whore ass up.

How did vance feel? Quite amazing actually, that's where he saw Bruce in the office also. Vance sat next to bruce while the teacher went to grabbed the principle. Both teens were left alone, well atleast alone together.


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