chapter 9, drunk

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school was already over both Bruce and vance went there separate ways and agreed that they would meet when the party was going to start so vance could show where the party was. It was 5:40 and the part started at 7:00 so vance had enough time to get ready, he went over the bathroom to shower and brush both teeth and hair.

Bruce was also getting ready but as for him he didn't know what to wear, he would think that when vance and him would get to the party vance would leave him to go to his friends so bruce prayed that Brad would go. Took awhile for Bruce to choose what to wear and had only 10 more minutes so he took a quick shower and left off where he would meet vance.

Vance was already leaving and heading to the door but he checked if his little brother was here or at his friends house and thank God he was at his friends. Vance's walk was alone and he didn't mind, because he was born to be alone.
While Bruce wasn't, he was around people his whole life and he doesn't know how to be alone alot. He found it strange walking alone but knew it would only take 5 minutes before meeting vance.

"Hey" "hi vance!" The both teens went walking in slience which helped vance and also Bruce, if there wasn't conversation atleast there could be company. In many minutes later vance and bruce got to the party and from outside you could already hear the music blasting loud enough to hear from the other side of the street.

They both walked infronf of the house and knocked while waiting to get an answer, vance has finally broke the slience. "Hey um your friends are gonna be here so you won't be alone ok?" Bruce nodded and saw the door opened for both and them. The both teens greeted the person infront of them and walked inside of the house. Which was huge and loud especially alot of people.

Bruce was looking at the drinks trying to find something that wont make him drunk until, some someone tapped his shoulder. And it was someone he wanted to see at the party..


Bruce found himself relieved that Brad was also here and they both talked about random stuff together even shared laughs and smiles. "Ay Bruce you want a drink?" Bruce wasn't much thirsty but he didn't decline the offer as that would seem rude so he said yes. Then Brad had given some type of juice to Bruce which was supposed "fruit punch" but Bruce didn't know that, and be was dumb enough to believe Brad because next thing Bruce knows he was drunk and felt he was going dizzy.

Brad smiled knowing goddam well what he did and if he made bruce go more drunk Brad could do something that could possibly harm the poor drunken kid. "Brucee here!" "Nahh man too muchh!" Bruce has already drunk like probably 5 shots and God knows how much he has fallen or trip himself by how drunk he is. "Pleasee do it!" Bruce gave in and got the shot from Brad's hand causing him to do this over and over again..

Bruce was now sitting on the couch laughing and giggling with Brad while Brad was smirking and thinking stuff he should never think but he did anyway.
Couple minutes later Zach came and saw Bruce because he found vance so he wanted to greet Bruce.  "Heyy bruce- whoa. What the hell?!" Bruce got up and almost fell over. "HEYYYY ZACCH! HOW ARE YAAAA" "dude you look.. okay why not just stay here mkay?" "Alright my dudeeeeeee" thankfully Brad left to grab more drinks so Brad wouldn't come and take Bruce away from Zach.

"Ay ay vance!" Vance was talking with some friends till he got his attention to Zach. "Yea wsp?" "Dude go check on Bruce he is high and drunk as fuck!" "What?" "GO check yourself! If you need for him to nap take the guest room" Vance nodded and walk his way and saw Bruce in the most drunkest way he has never seen in his life, that's where Brad came in and looked furious.

Did Brad do this? Is what vance thought of. "Ay what the fuck you do to him?" Vance voice sounded bold and annoyed. "Nothing we were having fun chill" Brad then had the audacity to grabbed Bruce and was about to take him somewhere till vance stopped him knowing what he was going to do and vance will not allow that to happen even tho he supposed hated Bruce Yamada.

"Ay Ay where do you think your going?" "Uhh I uhh none of your business?" Vance then punched Brad in the nose causing him to let go and drunk Bruce, vance then grabbed Bruce and headed to the guest room so bruce could calm down a little because damn he was drunk as fuck! When Bruce is drunk he is the type of drunk when is flirty, vance didn't know what had it coming for him.

Vance opened the door for bruce and bruce fell to the ground laughingand giggling, vance closed the door whiek locking it so some other couple wouldn't come making out while bruce dying on the floor. "Bruce go and sleep over there" "vance!Vance!! I missed you!" Vance was red but knew bruce was drunk so he threw his thoughts away from his head. "GO and take a nap you need it" "vancee don't leave me pleaseeee!!!" "Look I wilk stay here if you sleep okay?" "Only if you hop with meeeEeEeee!" "Ugh what! No no!" "Pleaseeee!" Vance was now deeply red but gave in either way he had no choice but to say yes. "Fine." "Yayayay!!!" Bruce jumped in the bed while vance laid next to him, vance was laying on his side still red to even agreeing to lay with bruce, VANCE THIS IS NORMAL HE STILL HATES YOU is what vance kept thinking until he was interrupted by his thoughts from Bruce calling out him name.

"Vance vance vance vance vance" "what the fuck you want?!" "I'm cold" "fuck off then" "can you hug me" "ew no I'm not gay!" "Please" "no." "Please" "NO." This went on and on and vance was sick and tired so he finally agreed and flipped the other side where Bruce was and hugged him. Vance acted he hated this but deeply down he felt more comfortable, he felt red but Bruce was drunk when Bruce wakes up he would be disgusted and never talk with vance again.

Vance was hugging Bruce holding his waist while Bruce wouldn't shut up and saying, "I won" or even giggling. "Bruce shut the actual fuck!" "No!!!!" Bruce giggled again and vance was already mad. "Shut the fuck up!" "Never!" Vance then hugged bruce closer and vance whispered something to Bruce ear that finally made bruce shut up, actually this made bruce weaken his knees.
"I will make you stop talking and wake up with weaken legs if I have to" is what vance said, bruce was red even tho he was drunk he want dumb drunk he knew what he wa doing including the "I'm cold!" Part but part of Bruce this made his knees weaken and even felt butterflies in his stomach.. was he..

Falling for vance?



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