chapter 11, listen next time, love

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NO SMUT BUT GAY MADE OUT🏃‍♀️🖐🏻😯😋🤯😻🤯😋🤯😻🤨😨😔😗😻😔🥳🤜😘

Bruce woke up but this time in a different room, he was scared and confused because he didn't know where he was all he saw band posters, clothes everywhere, broken stuff on the ground, even the room smelled like cigarettes and a strong smell of weed.

Bruce looked around and heard the door open, he then realized that this could be vance's room but boy was he wrong. When he saw who was at the door it was brad.

Bruce hid under the covers, afraid to even look at the random fat ass person standing near him. "Ohh bruce.." Brad took the covers off seeing Bruce tearing up. "LEAVE me a-alone!" "Shhh everything will be okay.. don't worry" "don't worry? YOU MADE ME HIGH! AND LEFT ME ALONE" Brad then proceeded to slap Bruce across the face. "If your good I won't hurt you but if you aren't everything will go bad.." bruce whimpered in frightened. Brad pit his hand on bruce jaw and started landing small kisses on it. Bruce felt disgusted he only want to be friends not this. Bruce sobbed over and over again feeling uncomfortable.

Brad hoverd over bruce, kissing his jawline until there was a knock on the door. Brad ignored the knocking and going over to Bruce lips, "I hope you know, I'm everywhere my love" Bruce then woke up sweating and tears stain his cheeks.

It was a dream.

Bruce jumped up and sobbed nonstoping. Bruce felt weight on his waist and was even scared to see who it was but thankfully it was just vance, if it's vance then it's okay even tho bruce tries and tries to hate vance but fails every single time. Bruce was still sobbing feeling disappointed for even trusting Brad.

Bruce was over all really tired and haven't slept but then it hit him, the smell of even stronger weed and heat in the air. This wasn't Zachs room, this was vance's room. How the hell did he get here?

"Bruce?" Vance said sounding overall exhausted. "Hm" "go to sleep" "I cant" "lay down." Bruce just nodded instead of fighting and yelling 'don't tell me what to do' . Bruce laid facing the wall once again and vance pulled Bruce closer to him while wrapping his arms around Bruce.

Bruce never thought of vance like this before, he always knew they hated eachother but sleeping in the same bed wuth your enemy still makes you both hating on eachother .. right?


Bruce woke up feeling warmth around his whole body. Vance didn't know why he decided to be so nice since the party.. was it because he was jealous? Only vances knows why.. Bruce got up from the bed and forgot to tell his mom and dad that he stayed over at a "friends" house.

"Vance." "Vance!" "What." "Do you have a telephone?" "Living room" Bruce got out of the bed walking to the living room and dialed the phone. "Hello Yamada resident?" "Hey mom it's bruce" "WHERE WERE YOU? ARE YOU SAFE! I THOUGHT YOU DIED SUCKING SOME OTHER KID COCK" "what! No no I slept over at a friend's house" "hmm okay it's Saturday so if you could come at 8 or you can sleep over again" "Oh okay thanks mom" "Well I need to wash your sister hair she got gun in it again so bye love you!" "Bye love you too"

Bruce hanged up and walked over to vance's room, the house smelled like cinnamon while vance's room smelled like weed is what bruce thought of. "Who did you call?" "My mom" "Oh mkay" "what are you gonna do later?" "Sleep" "that's it?" "Mhm" Bruce was bored and he didn't want to go home so he stayed looking around and exploring vance's room while vance was fast asleep on his bed.

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