New Student

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Real quick so people will know. Almost every chapter will have mature parts to it or some kind of smut. I won't be putting lemon warnings due to it being a bit of a wasted effort for this story specifically. UA's a university in this, so everyone's at least 18 with the Big 3 still being third years at this point in time due to the age gap being a year less. Also, Mineta will be extremely arrogant primarily due to him having all the girls in the class. The girls are also not fond of this for their own reasons. This story will also be entirely in third person POV. 

And just so we're clear, I don't condone blackmail, games where women are prizes, or stealing anyone's lover. I'm just doing this as a story plot to try and keep things fresh. Don't shoot the messenger as the saying goes. If this is your cup of tea, good for you. If not, oh well. It really doesn't matter as much to me what you like since it doesn't change how my life operates significantly. With that out of the way, enjoy.

The second year of UA has nearly finished with everyone somewhat content with this. However, there was one thing that everyone despised about this. "Hey, Momo. How about a little kiss~" Everyone glanced back to see Mineta trying to flaunt in their free class. He went over to Momo and began kissing her with a look of anger and self restraint on her face. Everyone knew she hated this, but she let it happen. Why? Nobody knew. Whenever they tried to pull one of the girls to the side to ask, they'd say it's nothing like that and that it's not important to them. Everyone knew something was up, but not exactly what it was. Everyone, except for class A's cinnamon roll Izuku Midoriya.

'Why does he have to do this in class?' Little to everyone's knowledge, he knew from a mutual friend of Ochako, Tsu and him. Nejire Hado. Apparently, Mineta had dirt on the girls that if it got out, would damn their reputation at the school or their own family. He only realized this after a failed confession to Ochako.

About a year ago

"U-Uraraka. I like you. P-please go out with m-me!" Izuku had finally said the words he wanted to. He genuinely liked Ochako as more than a friend and wanted to be more than that. After the fall of the League in Jaku and all the madness, he wanted to say words he held in him for both their sakes. He looked up to see tears in Ochako's eyes. Not of joy, but of sadness.

"I-I'm sorry, Deku. I can't."

"What? Why?"

"It''s just that." She didn't have the heart to say it, but someone did.

"Hey baby. Ready for today?" Mineta walked over to them with a smirk before smacking Ochako's ass. "Sorry. Rough break, Midoriya. But Ochako's already my girl. We officially started it a week ago." Izuku was shocked by this. "I knew you were crushing on her really bad, but hey. You can't win them all when the chick comes and asks to join the Mineharem. Ain't that right, baby?"

Ochako looked away for a moment before noding. "Y-yeah. Sorry, Deku. I hope we can still be friends." They walked away with Izuku noticing Mineta turn to give an arrogant smirk. He knew Izuku liked Ochako. Everyone knew and knew for over a month he's been trying to get ready to ask her out. All the guys were trying to motivate him and say he needs to strike while the iron's hot only to have this happen. He felt hurt, angry and depressed. Nothing he could do could fix this pain, so he could do the only thing he could do. Cry out his frustrations.

Back to present

As the group continued to sit and talk, Bakugou leaned his seat back and glanced at Izuku. "Oi. I got some news you might like to know. My sister's transfer finally went through."

"Wait, Bakugou. You have a sister?" Sero asked for Kaminari to overhear and speak up.

"Why didn't you tell us, man?"

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