Beach Meet Up

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"Ok. So let me get this straight. You not only got the chance to fuck my sister, but you also got to fuck both Icyhot's sisters. Including his twin who is taken in by Illusion bitch over here." Bakugou asked as Izuku was sitting in the common area with Shoko sitting happily on his lap.

"...Yep. That's pretty much what happened." Izuku bluntly stated not exactly wanting to go more into detail since this was his private life and something he didn't feel necessary to explain and was not asked to go more into detail.

"Can you at least not call me a bitch while you're talking about me. It's like, so lame sounding." Camie points this out while holding a cup of tea in her hands drinking it.


The group continued to relax with Kyoka looking over at Izuku while everyone else was thinking a similar thing. Eventually, the aux cord quirk user gave up and asked the question she's had on her mind. "Ok. So what the hell happened after you were taken in by Midnight for questions? We were told basically by Mineta that the staff was told of your quirk being dangerous."

"Yeah, that got smoothed over after I used Izuku's amazing cock to show what I can do." Shoko points this out with a smirk. "Adding to this, Midnight offered to give Izuku lessons to being an R rated hero as well. Kinda works out on both our ends."


Shoko reached over to sip her tea before giving Mineta a death glare. "R rated heroes aren't prostitutes. To make a long story short, our job is a little unique in the fashion of we help out pro heroes that are struggling with personal issues such as their bodies are suffering from fatigue from working or even being some material people use to pleasure themselves. Even when we are being sexually active with men and women, we don't go to lengths of sleeping with just anyone. There's gotta be a reason."

Todoroki looked at his sister with confusion before asking a question. "So...did mom...burn you too?"

"*sip* Nope. This is a birth mark that I had. From what I heard from dad a little while back, this was one of the reasons why I was given up. If mom saw my one eye regularly, she'd probably feel more guilt if you were given up because she'd think too much on my one side."

"I see."

Todoroki thought of this as he stood to the side with Shoko smiling a bit. "Don't be afraid to be happy to see your little sister again after all these years. I'm feeling hurt."

"Still crazy how much the two of you look alike and are so different."

Shoko shrugged before going back to her tea. As they sat, Ochako thought about how much they didn't know about Izuku and his past. "So how did you two meet?"

"We met up at a beach with both me and Cam looking for boys. She wanted me to lose my V card to someone I thought would be a boy I'd wanna do and we turned this into a relationship."

"I also asked Izuku to come to the beach in order to get a little more experience with new women. So basically, I asked Camie to join us at the beach. I didn't plan her and Shoko to threesome Deku though. Everything worked in the end though." Katsumi added for everyone to for the most part get how it got to this without going into too deep of detail. However, Izuku started to think back to the day he actually met up with Camie and Shoko.

Little under a year ago

Izuku had been working on his ultimate goal for about a month now. Every day, Katsumi would come to his home, they'd try and talk, try different things and eventually slam into one another. Today though, Katsumi had asked Izuku to bring with him a swimsuit and follow her to the beach. Once there, the two stood on the sand with the ash blond holding a smile. "Well this was a nice day for this." Izuku glanced over with a bit of a blush as he took some note on Katsumi's body.

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