Happy Aftershock

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Izuku woke up the next day after the incident with a smile. He glanced over towards his phone to see a message from Itsuka.

Itsuka: I heard you finally did it and stuck it to Mineta. Nice job.

Izuku: Thanks. I even got to sleep with Ochako last night in the process.

Itsuka: Katsumi told me about it. She even explained how Mineta was so small that Ochako could hardly feel anthing from him and that you literally were able to break her hymen where he couldn't. Full respect

Izuku began to laugh at himself before noticing another message coming with a picture. He opened it to see Itsuka lifting the shirt she slept in up to show only that was on with a smirk with another message coming underneath.

Itsuka: If you wanna bring someone from class A over, I'm sure we can have a little fun. I might even get one of the class B girls to jump in after hearing of what you were able to do~

Izuku gulped as he felt himself start to get aroused by the scene. 'Damn Itsuka knows how much I wanna do her in the morning.'

Izuku: I may do that tonight. Any girl specifically you wanna enjoy a threesome with?

Itsuka: Either Momo or Tsu. Personally, I think Momo would be better just so I can show her how to take your sausage like a champ. I'll send you more info later. Enjoy your morning with the new residents of the Izuharem~

Izuku gulped as he got up after saying he would to Itsuka. He walked to his dresser and grabbed what he needed to change. He dressed himself and walked out. Upon leaving, Izuku noticed Mineta walk out of his room looking visibly confused for some reason. "Hey, Mineta. You ok?"

"I just had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that you had a harem and stole mine by fucking Ochako senseless." Izuku took satisfaction that he believed this was a dream before bringing him back to reality.

"Actually, that wasn't a dream. I did fuck Ochako senseless and made her unable to be satisfied by you any longer before taking the rest of your harem. And within the following days, I'm going to make it so none of them will ever be able to be satisfied by anyone else. I actually have plans on starting with Momo tonight."

Mineta looked at him for a moment before shouting. "NOOO!"

"Yeees!" Izuku smirked before walking away. "Me and Kat might've played you, but you more played yourself more."


"I WOULD'VE BEEN FINE WITH JUST OCHAKO IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE HER! I would've hardly gave two shits if you didn't go after her who you blackmailed. But in the end, you wanted to do this and you chose to think only with your lower head. Yeah, I could've lost that just as easily as you. But you know what, you didn't even hesitate to ask the girls if they were ok with this to make what you did fifty times worse. That's why I'm going to show I'm a better man than you and that implies that I'm going to satisfy them physically and emotionally. Now if that's all you care for, I'm going to make breakfast for myself and my new girlfriends. You are invited to come down and sit among us, but I'm certain most will look at you differently now."

Izuku walked away and towards the stairwell while calming himself down. He did feel guilty this was how things played out, but felt no remorse towards Mineta specifically. He chose to go down this road, he chose to go after Ochako and the others through blackmail, and he chose to think he was so above everyone that he was unable to be beaten. This was a thing he needed to be humbled by and Izuku was not proud to be, but willing to be the one to do it. As he went towards the kitchen, he noticed Ochako and Momo making food. They turned and smiled at Izuku. "Hey, Deku. Breakfast is almost done. Why don't you have a seat and we'll bring it out."

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