Beginning the Battle

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This is gonna be a flashback chapter to when Izuku first started his ordeal to take down Mineta. There's going to be a few so make sure you look out for them. Enjoy.

Flashback a year ago

Anxious. That was probably the best word to describe what Izuku felt. Not even a week passed since his failed confession with Ochako and the dark reality as to why and he's already looking at probably the strangest thing he could ever imagine. His childhood friend planning to help him crush another human being in his thought process and using her own body to help with it.

'Ok Izuku. Just calm down. Kat normally jokes a little too much and she might not be saying this as a way to help me. This probably isn't anything deeper than that.'

As he thought this, Mineta walked in with Ochako beside him as he locked eyes with Izuku and gave a smirk. "Ochako. Your BJ last night was awesome. Definitely sucked me like you wanted my jizz."

"Ehehehe. Mineta. I don't think this is the place to be saying stuff like that." Ochako tried to play this off and avoid anyone saying anything about their 'relationship' with the small pervert not getting the hint.

"And your pussy felt like you wanted me to knock you up. Good thing we had condoms on or you'd be loaded with baby batter today." He kept going on with it feeling like needles going in Izuku's ears for him to hold his head on his desk. This just made Izuku feel more like he wanted to curl up in a ball and die somewhere only for Katsumi's words to continue to echo in his mind.

'I know he's terrible. I know he's the worst person for her to be with. But maybe that rumor was wrong-'

"MINETA! SEASE YOUR DISRESPECTFUL ANTICS IN CLASS THIS INSTANT!" Iida shouted for Izuku to look up and see Mineta's hand up Ochako's skirt. The moral disgust was obvious on her face as the brunette caught a glimpse of Izuku. She began biting her lip in frustration before moving out of Mineta's reach.

"I-I'm not feeling so well. Iida, do you mind telling Mr. Aizawa I had to use the restroom for a little bit?"

Iida glanced at his friend to understand she just wanted to get away for the moment before nodding. "Try not to stay in the restroom too long into class."

"I won't." Ochako practically ran out with Izuku seeing out a glance a tear starting to come up in here right eye.

At this point, Izuku didn't care if it was mean. All he wanted was the person he cared for to stop being put through this. 'This asshole's going down.'

Later that afternoon

Laying on his bed, Izuku tried to think through if he genuinely wanted to go through the exact route. Unfortunately if the rumor Nejire told him was true, there's nothing he could actually do without one of the girls speaking up against him. But the second they do, they could get hit with the worst outcome of whatever dirty laundry they're hiding being let out for everyone to see. "Is this really the only route to help everyone?"

Thinking back to yesterday, Izuku went in his drawer to grab the underwear Katsumi gave him. He glanced at it and noticed something off. 'Is that a little bear on the back?' He found it a little cute before slowly bringing it to his nose. 'This is only because of helping Uraraka and everyone. I'm not some kind of pervert.' Before he could, his phone went off to make Izuku jump and fall off his bed. "Ow." He grabbed his phone on the side and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Izuku. Is your mom home right now?"

The voice on the other side was Katsumi for him to blush a bit. "N-no. It's just me until later tonight."

"...Ok then. Are we still on for tonight?"

"Wait, you mean what you said yesterday?"


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