The Game

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Ok. As I said in the last chapter. No warnings with the lemons. Enjoy.

The group began walking up towards Momo's room. Thanks to her permission, they were able to use it for the match. Once there, the girls not part of it hung out to the side as Mineta and Izuku started to drop their pants. Once they did, almost every girl went wide seeing Izuku's indent in his boxers. It looked as if he was keeping some kind of sausage link from a butcher in his pants with Mineta having a tent that hardly showed much. "Alright. Drop the boxers gentlemen and sit on the bed."

Katsumi spoke up for Mineta to drop his and show a 4 inch dick that looked like it was the size of a sharpie marker. However, Izuku's looked like it was almost a foot long and big enough still semi placid to require two hands. They sat down with Katsumi looking at Ochako and Nejire. "Alright. You two know what your jobs are. Do your best." Ochako and Nejire walked over with Nejire sitting next to Mineta and Ochako going between Izuku's legs. "Start."

Immediately, Nejire used her quirk from her left hand to begin jerking Mineta off with his mind going into overdrive from just this. Meanwhile, Ochako started to open her mouth and try to fit Izuku's head in. As she did, she tasted what she thought was cinnabons to try and take it deeper in. Whenever she'd suck Mineta off, she'd have the taste of dirt and sweat mixed together along with a disgusting aroma of rotten fish. However, she enjoyed this. 'It''s big. I can't fit it all as easily.' She tried to go deeper down with the tip hitting the back of her throat to gag. She glanced up to see if Izuku was enjoying this to notice him going on his phone scrolling.

"Ahh! This feels so good!" Mineta looked as if he was going to pop a vein with Nejire silently reading a book while glancing over at Ochako.

"No wonder she's have a problem What are you, a one and done?" She gave a small chuckle as her spirals continued to swirl around Mineta's length before he finally shot a rope of semen out onto the floor. "And that's my win."

"N-no way! T-that can't be true." Mineta tried to find a way to justify it before making a crap excuse. "He was looking at his phone! he was distracting himself, so he wouldn't cum earlier!"

'Dude, accept the loss like a man at least.' Katsumi thought this while Izuku locked his phone and put it to the side.

"You know what, I'll try and appease you for now. How about this, you try one more time and I'll help Uraraka out a little." Izuku motioned to Ochako who wasn't even able to get half of Izuku's length down her throat yet. "At least with that, it's even more stacked against me."

"Fine then." Nejire continued using her spirals for Mineta's voice to shriek out. "OH MY GOD! HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS!?"

"The amount of time I've used to get Izuku off with this trick is astounding." Nejire explained this as Izuku grabbed the back of Ochako's head.

"I'm gonna be a little rough. Tap my hips five times if you need air, ok?" Ochako nodded before Izuku pushed himself all the way down her throat to have Ochako's eyes go wide. She started gagging a bit while Izuku continued to move himself out to havee only the tip in her throat before slamming back in. The gagging sounds echoed the room as Ochako's drool went down her chin and landed on her breasts. Along with this, her mind was focusing on the length and how it would feel if she took it in her pussy.

'If I had something like this inside me, would that split me in half?' She thought this as one hand began going down to her pussy and rubbing it.

"DAMMIT ALL!" Mineta shouted as he came again for everyone to look at him. "He..HE HAS TO BE CHEATING!"

"Mineta, I gave you the second one as a handicap and am literally doing all the work just to cum myself with Uraraka. You lost, accept it."

"NOOOO!!" Immediately after his shout of defeat, Katsumi wrapped Mineta in chains and gagged him so he wouldn't speak as he continued to watch Izuku thrust his hips into Ochako's face, forcing his length down her throat to make a bulge in it.

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