Heat Cycles

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Warning, this chapter shows mild forms of rape in it. Not large amounts, but enough where it could trigger some people. Enjoy

A warm summer evening came upon the members of class A. Most tried their best to avoid the heat such as trying to wear the minimal amount of clothes they could that wouldn't gather too much attention, to regularly keeping ice cold water on hand. Izuku's attempt was a somewhat envious one on the guy's end. He would regularly walk around without a shirt on in the dorms to show off his toned body. This had the girls regularly stare at him with the guys somewhat irritated by this. They knew he wasn't trying to flaunt it and was simply avoiding the heat like most who would wear sleeveless muscle shirts or opt to go shirtless as well, but doesn't actually like the fact he could get that many stares. However, only Mineta out of everyone was enraged enough to speak up. "WHY DOES ONLY MIDORIYA GET LOOKS LIKE PEOPLE WANNA FUCK HIM!? I SHOULD BE GETTING THEM JUST AS-" The small pervert was kicked into the ceiling by Bakugou who was coming out of the pool at the time and only wearing a pair of swim trunks.

"Bakugou. Though I do not think you are in the wrong for stopping Mineta, I do believe you could've gone about this in a less hostile manner-"

"Shut it, four eyes. You know the girls would've done worse to him." The Engine quirk user was about to say something on it, but stopped knowing it wasn't worth the issue.

As he spoke about them, Kaminari noticed the lack of a certain frog girl in the group. "Hey, has anyone seen Tsu?"

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen her all day." Sero adds. "She ok or something?"

Mina's ears shot up remembering something. 'Dammit. It's that time again.' Remembering back to something she found out, Mina glanced at Izuku and shot right up. "Hey, Izuku. Mind following me for a sec?" Not even getting a chance to answer, Mina pulls Izuku up the stairs to the girls' side to confuse everyone. Once at her room, Mina opens it to have Izuku get tossed inside.

"Mina. If you're frustrated, can we please do this later tonight. It's too hot to-"

"I'm not bringing you here to screw you. I'm bringing you here so you can screw Tsu." Izuku was confused beyond understanding for Mina to let out a sigh. "Maybe we should've let you keep that drive with Mineta's dirt so you can get it a little better right now." she says this under her breath before addressing the situation. "Ok, so you're aware Tsu has a quirk that makes her like a frog, right?"


"So animal base quirks tend to vary how far in they go towards the animal side. One way is how they interpret the desire to reproduce."

"Wait...you're not saying..."

"Yes. Tsu is in heat thanks to her quirk and she's having a really hard time. To make a long story short, she tried to relax herself on a regular basis with doing things to calm her body, focus on exercising to take out the energy. At least, that's what she said. Only the problem is it comes back with a vengeance she says and this one came with her clit growing to about the size of my dick."

"...It what now?" Izuku was dumbfounded as he heard this as Mina explains.

"You know how some animals can change gender?" Izuku nods. "Well imagine that only with it not being completed and having a clit that looks like a dildo in front of a girl. Basically, that's what you're dealing with." Izuku tried to give a mental image with it not exactly being as flattering on Tsu.

"Ok, so how does Mineta's blackmail roll into this?"

"So this is what I got. Apparently, Tsu was trying to take a cold bath to shock her senses a bit and control herself. Mineta didn't know but was looking for blackmail material. He found her in the bath, filmed her and she...let's just say she borderline raped Mineta." Izuku stood there a little shocked at this. "She wasn't in her right mind and was more looking for release. She didn't get it so easily with Mineta where she asked me and let's just say, she got her hymen broke by me."

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