Strange Advantage

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Izuku laid in the bath relaxing. His mind was drifting off a bit from the intense workout he did not that long ago. "This feels nice." His body ached a bit with the hot water relaxing his sore muscles. As he laid in the boys' bath, a door opened for him to lean his head back and see who came in. "Hey, Todoroki. What's up?"

Todoroki walked towards the bath's cleaning area before starting a conversation. "It's nice to see you're enjoying yourself a bit here."

"Yeah. I was kinda working hard today getting better at using my quirk. I kinda overdid it a bit."

"Which quirk?" Izuku stopped when he heard this to look at his friend a little more seriously. "My sister told me you hid the one quirk you have. To be fair, I understand why since it sounded like a quirk you'd rather nobody heard you had."

"Yeah..." Izuku and Todoroki stayed in an awkward silence until the green haired man cleared his throat to start a conversation. "I'm sorry if this seems off that I'm your older sister. I didn't want this to seem as a problem for you."

"I don't mind it. I know you. You're a good person that will treat my sister right and she loves you genuinely. If anything, I think she did a good thing making you her boyfriend."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief knowing he didn't make a problem with his friend by sleeping with his sister. "Hopefully this doesn't make your opinion on me change in a bad way."

"Why would it change our relationship in a bad way? You're an adult. My sister's an adult. I'm an adult. We can choose who we date ourselves. As long as you're not being abusive to her or anything negative, I don't have any room to judge your relationship." Izuku smiled at this knowing Todoroki was always the type of person who wouldn't overemphasize things he didn't think were worth the frustration. He was more afraid this would make their friendship become in jeopardy, but it fortunately didn't to make Izuku content. "Besides, you're probably a much better example of a healthy relationship than my father had."

'...And just like that, we're back to daddy issues. At least he doesn't know what Fuyumi calls me in bed.' Izuku snickered a bit at this before Todoroki finished cleaning himself to relax in the bath with Izuku.

"So how did you meet my sister?"

"I met her on a dating site. Kat made an account for me saying I had to learn to dominate older women and well..."

"I understand. So you decided to date my sister thinking she would help you beat Mineta and you made an actual relationship with her."

'The goal wasn't to make one with her with Fuyumi knowing that prior to us sealing the deal, but let's just let him believe I was planning to and ended up doing it to make his opinion on his sister a better one.' "Yep. Exactly."

"Interesting." Todoroki continued to think about this before getting another question. "What does it feel like to sleep with my sister?"

'WHAT KIND OF PSYCHOPATH TALKS ABOUT THAT!? THAT'S A LITTLE SICKENING!' "It's nice. It's also something I'd rather not explain because well, it's private. But understand I do enjoy your sister's company quite a bit to the point I hope for the best with her."

"I see." Todoroki seemed to enjoy that answer a bit with Izuku's phone going off. "Did you forget to put your phone on vibrate?"

"Yeah. My bad." Izuku got up and walked to his stuff to find his phone. He placed a towel on his lower half and wiped his hands before picking it up. Looking at the text. He noticed it was Fuyumi.

Fuyumi: Get up to your room as soon as possible or we'll have all the fun to ourselves~

Underneath this text, a picture of Fuyumi holding a dildo in what he believed was Mina's ass as she was licking her slit. The picture made Izuku go beet red a bit mainly due to him being in a public place. "Is everything ok?"

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