R Rated Lessons

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"So. She found out?" Katsumi asked while eating some of her breakfast sitting across from Itsuka.

"Apparently so." She recently had told the group about Yui's discovery and what she told her. "Sorry if it's my fault for doing this. You mad?"

Izuku stopped eating to think about the situation before shrugging it off. "We were putting together a harem and having a lot of heavy sex behind people's backs. It was innevitable someone was gonna find out."

"I'm surprised nobody found out already." Shoko points this out as her and Tsu were wearing one of Izuku's shirts and a pair of underwear underneath. Most of the guys in the room was somewhat interested in what happened since both were already sweating notably to have a bit of a definition on their bodies.

"Asui. Ms. Utsushimi. I would advise you to cover yourself with more modest clothing. It is a distraction to all here." Iida tried to suggest this while trying to avoid staring with Shoko looking at her choice of clothing confused.

"I thought I was being modest. I was gonna walk down here in just underwear before Izuku asked me to put a shirt on at least." She started to pout a bit. "I still wanted the white one."

"If you wore a white shirt, nobody in this room would be able to look at you normally again." Izuku calmly replied with the group starting to snicker a bit.

As they sat and continued eating, Ochako had a question pop in her head. "So I've been thinking about this for a while. Anyone know what exactly our lives would've been like if Mineta didn't do what he did?"

"Yours would probably be regularly waking up face down ass up in a pool of Izuku's jizz leaking out of your holes." Katsumi bluntly states this for a couple of the girls to start laughing hysterically with it becoming irritating to Bakugo sitting to the side.

"Can you not have these fucking conversations in public. They're fucking nasty."

"Get off it, twat."

"Shove it up your ass, slut!"

"I don't need to, I've got Izuku for that."


"HEY! I DON'T HEAR HIM COMPLAINING AND THIS'LL PROBABLY WORK BETTER FOR YOU SINCE YOU'LL HAVE SOMETHING TO FAP TO LATER ON!" The two continued arguing with their antics forcing Camie to roll her eyes.

"Kat's a good friend, but damn does she not hold back her zings to her brother. It's like, so toxic yo."

"..." Everyone stopped to question this before turning to Shoko for a translation.

"She just said Katsumi doesn't hold back a filter for her brother and it's very aggressive."

"It's sorta vulgar if you ask me." Momo points this out while covering her mouth.

"And who's mouth was where the other night?" Mina says this with a smirk with Izuku pinching the bridge of his nose.

"When did this become normal for me? Also, Setsuna." Izuku pulled something out from under him and tossed it towards her to have it float and show it was her pussy. "Can we not do this right now while we're trying to eat. It's hard to keep a straight conversation while your rubbing your insides around me."

"What? I thought you'd enjoy a little morning service~" At this comment, most guys in the room were done listening to this to get up and throw out what was left of their breakfast. "Sheesh, tough crowd. I'd figure these guys would enjoy hearing something sexy was going on."

"There's a difference between it being sexy and it just being obstructing of peace. Next time, do something a little more secretive."

"Like what I'm doing." Toru responded to Kyoka's comment as she was underneath the table sucking Izuku off with his dick with it disappearing the second it enters her mouth.

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