Sharpshooting Guard

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After bringing up the ordeal of Himiko's infiltration into UA, Mineta's involvement and her desire to turn over a new leaf per say, Nezu sat in his chair with a few members of the Hero Board Association with Izuku and Himiko sitting beside the small rodent. "I see. Himiko Toga. Do you have any information on the League after their disbandment?" One of the HBA members asked.

"Nope. We all kinda spread out to the wind after things went south with Tomura."

They alls looked uneasy while thinking of what to do. "We can't let the populous find out a member of UA immediately started working with the remnants of the League. We also can't let them know a former member infiltrated UA."

"Perhaps we can run it as this student had worked with them the entire time and was the fault for a majority of the invasion acts. We do know a member of UA had done that and isn't actually lying completely. It puts people in a bit of understanding and avoids destroying the restructured trust we hold."

"Isn't that a little mean? I mean, I don't think Mineta did this out of malice with intentions to harm someone entirely." Izuku suggests his problems with the plan for the HBA to bring back up the issue.

"If this happened before everything that has come to play, that would be a different story. Sadly, we need to think of how others will react to what we find. We aren't fond of it, but this is the situation of the society and the way we can avoid more problems than a rogue hero course student."

"In addition, we think holding a guard for you might be for the best. This guard will also keep Toga in check in case she is trying something." The Board points this out with Himiko smiling at them.

"I see. Will the guard be a member of the staff or a pro hero?" Nezu asked with the head of the HBA answering.

"Neither. We will be using a pro that was once respected before an incident forced her to be thrown into Tartarus. She's killed before and isn't afraid to pull a trigger if she has to. Kaina Tsutsumi. More commonly known as the pro hero Lady Nagant. Nezu, you will have Izuku Midoriya and a teacher of UA talk with her and explain the deal for her release. This will possibly add another powerful ally into our mix once more."

"Understood. I will have Midoriya and Midnight leave at once."

Few hours later

Standing in front of a table, Midnight and Izuku in professional attire looked at a woman with purple and pink hair that looked similar to cotton candy a bit. However, the state of her hair was not the most pleasant to indicate she wasn't in great living standards along with having her wrists cuffed to the table as a way to indicate she was undoubtedly a convict of the prison they were in. "It's nice to see you again, Lady Nagant."

"Why are you even here?"

"I've come with a deal."

"If you want me to kill people, forget it." Nagant scowled at the R rated pro for her to correct her.

"No. That's not what I'm here to ask. To make things simple, how would you like to get a probation in a sense?"

"...What's the catch?"

"It's a simple task we need to have you do. But before that, we do have authorization to have you join us outside for a meal and a shower. I'm sure even you'd appreciate that."

Nagant looked at her options before pulling her prison shirt collar out a bit to smell herself a little to make a bit of a face indicating she wasn't exactly fond of how she smelt to overall agree. "Get me a shower and something clean and we'll talk about the deal over a meal. But before anything, I want you to know I want something French."

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