Breaking In

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Itsuka walked down the halls with a little bit of a pep in her step. Normally, she'd try and hide her excess emotions, but today she was overjoyed. Why? Her boyfriend finally achieved his goal he sought out for and trained for a year to do and was going to enjoy a heated night with him while also helping integrate her friend Momo into their harem. "You're seeming very enthusiastic today."

Itsuka turned to the side to see Yui Kodai, a member of her class walk up beside her. A small and quiet girl that tended to keep to herself more often than not. Though not as developed as her, the girl did hold decent proportions for a normal girl's frame. "Oh, sorry. Something really nice happened recently that I was just very happy about personally." She laughed a little while Yui stared blankly at her.

"Does this have something to do with what Bakugou had asked you and Tokage to talk with her about?" Itsuka froze hearing this since Yui was able to hit the nail right on the head. She was never able to show emotion as much, but the dark haired girl could read the room like the back of her hand.

Flashback to last night

"Wait, so he finally did it!?" Setsuna spoke up a little loud while sitting on Itsuka's bed while Katsumi sat in her chair and the orange haired girl was leaning on a wall a little shocked. "Alright! Go horse meat!"

"Can you at least call Izuku by his actual name? I feel like you're saying he's an additive to hot dogs or dog food when you say that."

"Oh, come on. You think I'll deny the opportunity to say what I want about a dick that literally split me in half and made me rip my own hips off and eat myself out to taste his dick milk?"

Itsuka looked at her friend a little disturbed remembering she was there for one of these situations. "I did not need that mental image anymore than I already did."

"Anyway, we're gonna start in the next part of this, which is break in all of the midget's girlfriends. I already sent a text to Camie and she wants to screw with one of them as well. Not really caring if they're broken in or not, but you're both here and able to do that. So if you're up for it, give Deku a text and also some hinting on who you wanna have a threesome with."

"Ok, so we've got Tsu, Mina and Toru to go off of. Maybe also Kyoka. Her jacks could probably pleasure me in ways only a woman can pleasure another woman~" Setsuna smirked at this with a little drool coming off her lower lip and a sultry smile.

"You drool on my bed, you're cleaning the sheets."

"What's the point of cleaning them, they're gonna get soaked in Izuku's and your juices again." Everyone looked at her for a moment before Setsuna explained herself. "I WASH MY SHEETS AFTER WE FUCK! Don't look at me like that! I'm just saying we've all had worse on our bed than a little spit."

"...She's got a point there." Katsumi stood up and began stretching a bit. "Anyway, give an answer to him and have fun." Katsumi got up and walked out with Setsuna doing the same for Itsuka to think on her own.

'I wonder if Katsumi still wants to bring the rest of class B into this?'

Back to the present

"Something like that. Anyway, what's new with you?" Itsuka tried to defuse the situation and turn it away for Yui to explain what she's heard.

"Apparently, Mineta has lost his girlfriends. I'm not certain of the details, but they seemed to be blackmailed and now he no longer had the evidence against them to use."

"That's scummy to do." 'And I am happy Izuku cucked him.' Itsuka internally thought this as the dark haired woman continued.

"Unfortunately this also destroys any actual evidence of this to keep the rumor as is. As such, the teachers can't say or do anything to him about it unless someone steps up. Whether this is true or not, I wouldn't want to to only assume the other girls wouldn't want to as well."

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