New Year Bash

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Since I didn't do a holiday special this year, here's a New Year special for you all a little late. Plot's taking place prior to the story's start. Enjoy.

Sitting around his mother's home, Izuku found himself in all honesty, bored. Admittedly, he does love the fact that he was able to come home during the holidays and the lack of work was something he didn't hate, but the lack of things to do was honestly something he wasn't so fond of. His ability to see his girlfriends was also limited since everyone was busy doing their own families celebrating. To put it bluntly, Izuku had nothing he could really do. "*sigh* What should I do today? I went the other day to greet and wish the neighbors a happy holiday. Not only that, but I finished the homework that I needed to do during the break." Izuku kept mauling the ideas over in his head with his mother Inko coming out of the other room to greet her son.

"Izuku. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm just a little unsure what to do today."

"I see." As she said this, Inko began realizing something to show a bit of fear. "Oh my. I forgot to tell you!"

"Tell me what?" Izuku got off the couch to talk with his mother directly.

"Katsumi came over the other day and told me to give you a message about a holiday party at a mutual friend Fuyumi's home. She said if you gave her a call, she'd give you the information."

Hearing this, Izuku thought for a second before asking his mother a question. "What are you doing for the holidays, mom?"

"Mitsuki asked me to come over. Since Katsuki is going to his friend Kirishima's place for a celebration with most of the boys from your class and Katsumi had asked you to go to a celebration with her and her friends, she asked if I wanted to join her and Massaru and avoid being lonely." Hearing that Mitsuki and Massaru offered to keep his mother company, he felt happy that his childhood friends' parents and his mom were on such great terms. "It's ok for you to have fun, Izuku. You can go and not worry about me. All I ask is if you do end up having something to drink, you do it responsibly and don't do something you wouldn't sober."

"Mom. I don't drink."

"That doesn't mean you won't ever. You're a good person and I don't want your life to go down the drain because you made a bad judgement call." Inko walked out of the room for Izuku to go for his phone and text Fuyumi.

Izuku: Hey, I heard from Kat that you're having some kind of get together and to ask you about it. 

Fuyumi: Oh yeah. Katsumi wanted to do something special with everyone.

Izuku: Cool. What time do you wanna meet up and where?

Fuyumi: My place around 8. that fine with you?

Izuku: Isn't your family going to be there?

Fuyumi: My dad normally works the holidays and Shoto's going to that party at your friend Kirishima's place. House is all ours.

Izuku: Ok. You want me to bring anything over? Any snacks or something?

Fuyumi: I've got everything here and the girls are bringing other stuff over. If you want to bring something, a bag of chips or something is fine. All I'd suggest for you to bring though is a change of clothes and be ready for some hot end of the year enjoyment~

Izuku gave a bit of a blush before agreeing and calling out to his mom. "I'll be out by 7 today. Is that ok with you?"

"That's pefectly fine sweetie. Just make sure you don't do anything dangerous."

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