Sincere Pervert

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The morning came for the residents of UA's second year college students. Sun was shining. Birds were chirping, and Izuku was enjoying an all nighter with Katsumi and Ochako. Currently right now, he was dropping a massive load in Katsumi's pussy while eating out Ochako when the morning ray glared at him. "Hmm. Morning already. Seems like its going to be a nice one as always." He smiled while inserting his tongue into the brunette's inner folds.

"Says the perv that's fucking two women from evening to morning. Seriously, is this like load 43 or something?" Katsumi questioned as she lifted her hips up and let Izuku's dick flop out and drain on the bed. "Crap. Hey, Ochako. I got an offer for ya. You lick up all Deku's jizz in me, and I'll give you a fun experience with something I got from Fuyumi."

"Hnnn! O-ok." Ochako leaned down and began eating out Katsumi. Her mouth covered her entrance as she insistently tried to scrape out every last bit of cum in her pussy.

"Ngh! Yeah, that's a good girl. Eat all that cream that my pussy stored up." Izuku continued to suck on Ochako's pussy as his hands began grabbing a firm grip of her large ass. "Digging that ass over there?" Izuku gave a thumbs up as he kept licking Ochako while the brunette gripped Katsumi a little tighter to avoid stopping. Eventually, Ochako came and sprayed on Izuku's face with her eyes rolling up in her head for a few moments. Once she was done, Katsumi pulled her face out of her crotch and got on her feet.

"What are you going for?" Izuku asked lifting hhis face up and showing some strands of Ochako's juices still on him.

"Remember that little thing she got for me to help you treat her right?" Izuku stopped and realized what she was pulling out to place on what looked like black underwear. When she turned however, both looked at her palled face when they noticed a large dildo in the front of her on the center of the garments. "I think it's time I try and have a little taste of what's to come if she wants to keep going like this."

"I-I'm not into girl on girl-"

"Shut it. I'm not using a hole without Deku joining in on the action. I have some boundaries." Katsumi smirked with Izuku sitting up and sliding Ochako on his lap. "Now, how about you lift up this chick and spread her legs for me?"

Izuku looked at Ochako calmly before answering and lifting her up. "She's not taking no for an answer. But she at least won't overstep boundaries as much as you'd think."

"Depends on how you look at 'overstepping boundaries as much'." She looked at Izuku as Ochako soon felt something prod her ass. She glanced down to see Katsumi aligning Izuku's dick with her ass. "What are you..."

"You said that you trained your ass. So wanna try anal with Izuku's monster?" Ochako looked down with some unease as well as desire before slowly looking up and nodding. "Alright, you've got the green light, Deku. Heave... HO!" Katsumi pushed Izuku's arms to have him drop her on his dick and send it up her ass to the base. Ochako stifled a shriek with Izuku's legs trembling. Her inner walls struck to him as if they were gripping him and pushing deeper inside her insides. "Nice reaction. Looks like Deku's a fan of your ass as much as your a fan of his dick. I should probably start having a bit of fun myself." Katsumi aligned the strap on with Ochako's pussy before pushing it all the way in to finally force Ochako to shriek with both her entrances being filled.

"Ochako. Are you alright?" Izuku asked as he looked over to see Ochako smiling with joy.

"My assh~ My assh ish fwilled with Dweku~ I want mwore~"

"You heard her. Let's make a nice show." Katsumi smirked as she began moving her hips with Izuku doing the same. Both pulled out and slammed in in unison for Ochako to feel her insides make way for both. Her moans filled the room with Katsumi moving to Ochako's breasts and beginning to suck on them. She pushed her finger into the inverted slit that was holding her left nipple while doing the same with the right with her tongue. As she did this, Izuku began moving his head to rest on Ochako's shoulder and kissing her. His groin continued to feel her large ass bounce on him, feeling as if two oversized marshmallows where on his hips with her juices dripping down and beginning to coat Izuku's thighs and her ass. They continued the onslaught on the brunette, forcing her to face constant climax. Her body continued to shake as Ochako was practically screaming for joy from their acts.

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