Tasteful Interests

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Waking up from her bed, a certain purple haired aux cord ear girl glanced over at her alarm clock. 'Morning already? I have two hours before I need to get up.' She sat up from her bed and glanced down at her lower half. Undenounced to Kyoka, her lower half had been soaked during the night. 'One of those fucking dreams again. Dammit. *sigh* At least I got up early so I can kinda hide the problem.' She stood up with her groin dripping wet from her own juices and walked towards her dresser. Once there, she grabbed a pair of purple striped panties and shorts and made her way down towards the common area.

Coming to the first floor, Kyoka looked on both sides to make certain nobody was around. "Ok. Nobody's here. Just gotta make it to the bathroom quickly to shower and we're home free." She quickly walked with extreme caution towards the bathing area on the first floor to bathe. Normally, she'd try and use her own restroom on her room for ridding the evidence. However, a plumbing matter had stopped her from this and forced her to use the restrooms on the first floor. This was a matter that she had issues with due to bringing back rather horrid memories. She reached the changing area on the girls side and began dropping her pants and underwear. 'Safe.'

"Jirou. What are you doing with your pants so soaked?"

Remembering the past, the Earphone Jack quirk user immediately turned her head to see nobody there. Cold sweat came off her head remembering the day over a year ago that turned her life to hell. 'Snap out of it, dammit.' Due to a personal issue, Kyoka has always had an overactive libido. It wasn't something terrible to handle, but it made mornings an issue. Unsure how to handle this, she confided in the only person she physically could without embarrassment. Her own mother. With her assistance, they had gone to specialists on the matter to try and find out what to do only to find nothing would work. However, Kyoka didn't want to bother her mother with this anymore than she already did to decide to lie and say she grew out of it and suffered internally. This was by far her worst mistake as she tried personal means of self pleasure to reduce her libido. For a short time, this had worked. But once she began joining UA, the issues became worse and the lack of ability to masturbate eventually brought bad habits back.

One day early in the morning, Kyoka had done what she had today and tried to enter the girls' bathroom as quickly as possible. Unknown to her, a certain small pervert just happened to be lucky enough or unlucky in Kyoka's case, to see her. Things only got worse as to help relieve the issue, he was able to catch the aux cord woman in the act of inserting a rather moderate sized dildo into her pussy as a way to relieve the strain. This forced her into the horrid relationship she was in with Mineta. "Well, at least I don't have an issue with my loins aching today-"

"Ahhhnnn~ Izuku~." Kyoka was cut off from her own personal thought process when she heard what seemed to be moaning coming from one of the shower stalls. Taking her clothes off and walking towards them, she listened close to what sounded like Momo moaning out. "Please, don't stop. I want you to keep going~" 

Having her curiosity get the better of her, Kyoka knelt on her hands and knees to look under the opening in the stall. There, she saw two sets of legs. One was without a doubt Momo's. The other's... "Momo. I think you shouldn't make so much noise. What if someone comes in and finds out we're doing this here?" Yes. It was Izuku's.

"Nobody uses the showers on the first floor anymore. It's only a safety thing the school gave as a way to aahhnnn~, avoid someone having no shower." Momo was technically right, but she definietely wasn't alone.

'Holy crap. When the fuck did mop head get to Momo!?' Taking the stall next to them, Kyoka slowly went under the gap to see what exactly was happening. When she got a better look, the purple haired woman noticed Momo leaning back on the wall with her legs spread as Izuku thrusted into her. His dick spreading her slit wide as he continued to kiss her, fondling her breasts in the process. The water poured on them with the sounds of their joined bodies smacking into one another being blocked out by the shower. Moving down, Izuku started to kiss Momo's neck and have her wrap her arms around him.

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