Toru's Loving

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Izuku returned to his room after a hard workout. His body felt good after getting the release to want a shower right away. As he entered though, he noticed a woman stark naked on his bed. She bit her lower lip with desire as she had a small towel cover her lower half. "Hello Izuku~"

"Hey, Hagakure." He calmly smiled at her with the fact he didn't even react to her shocking the visible girl. "What?"

"Don't 'what' me! A girl's naked on your bed waiting for you to fuck her senseless and all you say is 'hey'!?"

"Have you seen what Kat and Setsuna wear around me? You also have Shoko who willingly sits on my lap and shoved my dick in her while we're having conversations with people and Fuyumi constantly talking about getting treated like a toy by me as I rail her like an animal. Do you honestly think I'd have that much of a reaction when one of my girlfriends are on my bed naked. *sniff* *sniff* Like the touch of open pine candles though. I think Camie's used them as a touch twice to make that a fresher addition."

"Okaaay. But how did you know it was me and not some random stranger?"

Izuku stopped to think of the best way to say it before bluntly stating it. "I've seen you practice before."

"Say what?"

"Yeah. I was shocked when I first saw it happen, but I then realized after overhearing you wanted it to be a surprise to everyone. With that in mind, I just let you go about and I'd pretend the surprise when you showed us in class A. I didn't mean it to be mean. I just didn't want you to feel bad that I ruined the surprise you're trying to give."

Toru was shocked about this. Izuku wanted to make her happy by refusing to say anything before coming back to her senses. "T-then consider this a treat. Tonight, I'll make sure to give you love that only I can to make you fall for my charms~" Toru moved to lay on her stomach and cover her nipples on the blanket. "So how about you drop those pants and try my throat~"

"How about I shower first, then I'll let you have your throat stuffed. You're probably gonna want to avoid tasting sweat and smelling me while this hap-"

"Just fuck me so I can make you satisfied, dammit!" Seeing he's not getting anywhere, Izuku walked over and dropped his pants to show his throbbing erection in his boxers. Toru smiled at this before turning to her back and sliding his undergarments down. Izuku's dick sprung back to have the invisible girl smile. "Looks delicious~" Izuku looked down to see Toru moving his member to have the head be sucked on while trying to pull him to his knees.

"You want me to do this while you're in this position?" Toru nodded with a bit of lust in her eyes. "Alright. I'll try and make this easy for you. Just tell me if it's too much."

"Don't worry about it, I can handle a little pain."

"Well, if you insist." Izuku grabbed Tori's head and slammed into her throat, forcing a bit of a shock to come to the invisible woman. Her throat held a bit of a bulge to it as her body shook from the act. As this happened, Izuku's ball sack repeatedly smacked into her face to have the overwhelming waft of his masculine scent penetrate her nose.

'This is so good. His dick feels like it's gonna rip my throat apart~.' Tory's hands began going down to her pussy and began fingering herself. Her lower mouth began salivating at the thought of Izuku's manhood splitting her in half as his thrusts continued to become more violent as they continued. Without question though, Izuku stopped and pulled out of her throat. She was about to say something before being lifted up by Izuku and shrieking. She was then held upside down to look up at Izuku with curiosity. "Izuku, what are youAAAHHH!!" She was cut off by Izuku sucking on her slit and having a firm grip on her plump ass.

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