We landed on the planet as we got off the ship. I saw some strange on the ground "what is this?"

"That would be dirt." Tech answered.

"Let's get moving" hunter as we started walking.

"So this friend of your." Echo said "What's he doing all the way out here?"

"Hiding. That's what deserters do" tech answered.

"Staying off the radars not out specialty but he's been doing it for years." Hunter adds.

"And you trust this deserter?" Echo asked.

"Why not" tech asked in confusion "we're all deserters now."

Then Hunter stops as he stoped from walk ilooks down in confusion then up at me "What's are we looking at?"I asked .

"A booby trap" hunter answered.

"Single trip wire" wrecker laughs "that's cute" then he hits some showing more traps.

"Easy wrecker" Hunter shouts.

"Was that me?" Wrecker asks.

We heard footsteps to see unfamiliar figures walking towards us "what do we have here?" One was a female twilek and the other was a human male but looks like a clone "more clones who have lost their way"

"It's been a while"
We went to their hous where they welcomed us.

"I see a few new faces" female asked said looking atme and echo.

"Echo and jax , cut and Suu" hunter introduced us.

"Pleased to meet you" suu said.

"Where's Crosshair?" Cut asked noticing Crosshair isn't with us.

Hunter frowned "it's complicated."

"Sounds familiar. Rex told us about the clone troops turning against the Jedi" cut said mentioning rex. I'm so glad to here he's still alive.

"You talked rex?when?" Echo asked he sounded so pleased to hear rex is alive like I am.

"Well, he pass through yesterday" cut said.

"Were'd he go?" He asked.

"Didn't ask. He was going on about some behavioural implant."

"He must mean the inhibitor chip"i said.

"The what?" Hunter asked.

"Inhibitor chips the kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behaviour" I said.

"Tech you said Regs were programmed but you never mentioned a chip" hunter said.

"How else did you think it worked?" Tech asked.

Then the door open showing two small figures that I'll always be happy to see.

"Shaeeah, jekk, remember me?" Wrecker asked.

"Uncle wrecker" the kids said as they ran to wreck and hugged him. Wrecker loved kids.

Later I saw Hunter not in his armour but regular cloths just to blend in.


"Hey" he said "I just want to let you know I'll be going with cut in town"

I nod "just be careful"

"I will".

Later I sat down on the front porch watching the kids play. While echo was sitting beside me.

They dropped their ball I went to get it when I saw a creature there I couldn't do anything but other came and saved me.

"What we're you doing out there?" Hunter asked he looked really mad "do you realize you could've been killed?"

"Easy" cut said "they're not a soldier" he looks to me and takes her somewhere.

I decided to go to the ship I went inside the house as I heard.tech and echo having a conversation about impinging the ship.

"Tech?" Hunter said in frustration.

"This is a simplist solution"tech said.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my ideal of a solution" he said.

"We'll meet you at the space port with the chain codes I have this under control"

Echo and tech took the ship and omegas in there I'm gonna kill those two.

"There's only one problem jax is on the ship"

We head to the space Station to get cut and his family out of here I got the chain for and I left to ding hunter and the others.

"I'm here" I said. "Tech accidentally made five disks instead of four."

Cut looks at me "you didn't tell them ?"

"Tell me what?"

Hunter looks at me "the extra chain codes for you. So you can leave with cut and suu"

"Why?" I asked "did I do something wrong?"

"you need a real family. They're good peopl they'll give you the life you deserve"

"But I want to stay with you."

"it's for your own good."

He leaves as I was gonna go to with cut and suu bub I decided to go back to them.

I walked to hunter as he looks "I know I made a mistake and I have a lot to learn, but you don't have to get rid of me. I left kamino with you and you are my mother, this is where I wanna be."

Hunter "tell you the truth, I guess I've got a lot to learn too. If this is where you want to be this this is where you'll stay."

We looked at each other and smiled.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now