We were attacked by a colony for taking their lizard creature thing cids buyer wanted it.

Wrecker and I went to get mantel mix and ate som "this is so good" I said

"Ha! Right it is"

"I never thought I'd never eat anything like it"

"Well  look who it is" wrecker laughs entering the place "come her rex"wrecker grabs a reg and hugs him.

"Yeah good to see you too wrecker."

"I thought you didn't like Regs" I said in confusion.

"This one we like" wrecker said putting rex down.

"Jac this is rex" hunter introduced the two to each other.

I walked walks closer to him "you're a generation one"

"How'd you know that?"

"From the lines on your face"

"Yeah I guess I've been around" rex said looking at the boys.

"You got that right" wrecker said as he hold his head "tech I need one of those med patches"

"You used the last one" tech said.

"What's wrong?" Rex asked standing up like he might know what's going on.

"Nothing it's just a headache" wrecker said.

"Which are becoming more frequent" echo said.

"Is that so?" Asked Rex.

"If your concerned about the co-called inhibitor chips don't be  our deviant nature appears to have impeded their functionality except in Crosshair" tech explained.

"You're telling me you haven't removed your chips?"

"No, not yet"

Rex been to reach for his pocket for his blaster.  "Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you even her " he looks to me "you're all ticking time bombs"

"Take it easy captain" hunter said to him.

"What's in your head is more dangerous than you can imagine I've seen what happens when the chip activates and I don't want to bury any more of our brothers. Trust me it's not something you can control. I couldn't" rex frowned "it's a risk you don't want to take."

"how do you suggest we get them out?" Hunter asked

"Good question" rex said "I'll be in touch.

Later rex tells us to us to meet him in the planet bracca. The place became a starship graveyard.

Once we landed we saw rex walking up to us "right on time" he said.

"How's a junk planet gonna help us?" Wrecker complains.

Rex puts his helmet on as we did to  "follow me" we followed him to see many ship around probably one of them will help us with removing our chips "bracca may not be much to look at but it has exactly what we need. I had my inhibitor chip taken out on a Jedi cruiser like that that's where we're heading."

"Then why'd we lan all the way over there?" Wrecker asked complaining again.

"Everyone down" hunter said as we knelt down to see something coming.

"That's why" rex said.

"It's the scrapper guild" tech said.

"They control the entire planet" rex explained "we need to keep out of sight from their patrols let's move" we kept on move to the ship without being caught.

"It's much bigger up close" i said amazed.

"This is an original venator-class ship from the first batch off the line" rex explained.

"First off the line huh? Just like you rex" wreckers jokes as we kept on moving inside the ship.

"Last time I was aboard one of this it didn't end so well" rex said.

"If the inhibitor chips isn't something you can control, how'd you get yours out?" I asked.

"I had help" rex said as we head to the medical bay the place was far and dirty.

Echo got everything on and time to get wrecker to get scanned.

I walks up to hunter " hunter , because of the surgery worked on rex doesn't mean it's safe this is dangerous" she said in worry.

"It's more dangerous to leave their inhibitor chips in" rex said.

"we have to do this it's worth the risk" hunter assured her.

"And if something goes wrong?" She asked I'll be left here with no one " she frowns.

Hunter puts his hand on my shoulder "we're not going anywhere jax you're stuck with us for the long run got it?"

we turned to see wrecker who grabbed tech neck "you're in direct violation of order 66"

"Jax Run!" Hunter shouted as I nod and said an.

Little did I know wrecker was following us like he was gonna kill me.

"This isn't you wrecker" I pulled out his gun I don't want to hurt him but he grabbed it "but wrecker, im your friend.

Luckily REX was ther and knocked wrecker out.

After that wrecker got his chip out fine alone with the others.

We heard some one clear his throat we turned to see wrecker "listen, jax. About what happened" he's trying to say but couldn't I put my hand on his face "I tried to control it I tried as hard as I could I couldn't make it stop."

"We know wrecker it's okay" I told him.

"But still... I'm sorry"

I pulls something from my pocket "the missions over we cannot break tradition".

He smiled as we ate.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now