Rex told me tha we found out who else was the guy looking for. He was after senator Singh as well as omega.

"We should bring therm here" HOWZER suggests.

"No. We don't want to involve them in this" Rex said.

"It's too late for that"howzer said "crosshair is with them this is our chance to question him" I can understand howzer doesn't trust crosshair.

"Echo has already done that" I said.

"But we haven't he knows more than he's saying if you want to locate tangos the we need him to talk."
Then the group comes to us and I see crosshair is with them.

"Hello crosshair" I said holding my daughter who giggled and waved at him.

"Huh he had balls after all" Crosshair said looking at Jaylah "it's good to see you again gamora.

"Thanks for coming" rex said.

"It's good to see you rex" hunter said .

"Wish I felt the same" howzer said looking at Crosshair "I have unfinished business with this one. Remember me?" Crosshair answered "surprised I'm alive? Most of my squad on ryloth is dead because of you"

"Easy however" I  said calming him down. "I know you two have history but we're all on the same side now."

"Why'd you call us here captain?" Hunter asked rex..

"We have something to show you. Follow me"They all started walking and I started to as well. We go in and started going in.

"Your numbers are growing" hunter said looking at the other clones.

"Well we need all the help we can get Once we find the exact coordinates of the Tantiss Base,we have to hit it hard if we're gonna pull our brothers out of there." Rex explains. "I have questions about the facility but that's not the only reason why I sent you" he holds up a puck "We recovered a target list from an Imperial operative. And Omega's on it."

"Not a surprise"Crosshair said. "She escaped imperial custody"

"So did you." However said "but you're not on the list"

"Guess I'm not as valuable to them"

"Or your feeding them information"

"You're gonna have to back down captain" hunter said to howzer.

"You expect us to believe he was held on Tantiss for months, but he doesn't know how to get back there?"

Crosshair walks up to howzer close to him face to face "Whether you believe me or not, it's the truth. But I'm not loyal to the empire any longer"

"Your squad may trust you but I don't"

Then we looked to see omega and wrecker and their pet walk in"

"what's going on?" Omega asked.

"The empires targeting you again " Crosshair said

"No suprised there" wrecker chuckles"

"Why were they after you before?" I  asked.

"To force Nala Se to cooperate and conduct certain experiments."omeg answered.

"Which were what?" Rex asked

"She was working on something involving M-count. I don't know what that means but they were taking blood samples from everyone, even me. Which I don't understand why when I'm not even a clone"

"M-count?" I asked.

"You know what that is?" Hunter asked.

"Well, I've heard it mentioned before.
But I can't say for sure." I said "what else can you tell us?"

"When we escaped, there wasn't enough time to free the other clones. We have to find another way to get them out" omega explains.

Rex put his hand on omegas shoulder "we will."

"There's more you should know" Crosshair spoke. "Not all clones on Tabriz are prisoners some are loyal to the empire There is a division of clones trained as specialized operatives and initiated into a secret deep cover program run by Hemlock.Their identities are erased. They undergo conditioning. The few that make it through come out different."

"If the program's so secretive, how do you know about it?" Howzer asked.

"Because they tried to make me into one of them."


"It didn't work. Being defective is in my nature."

"You've encountered one before.
The assassin on Coruscant." Hunter said.

"We've known they existed but never knew what they were" Rex said.

"What aren't you telling us?" asked.

"We captured one. I've tried questioning him, but he hasn't been very cooperative."

"You have one here? Alive?" Crosshair asked. Rex nods "The Empire would be on top of us already. They have ways of tracking their operatives"

"We scanned him he's clear" howzer said.

"It's not the kind of tracker your scans would pick up. Hemlocks smarter than that" then they go in to talk to the prisoner.

Then so we heard shooting knowing we were under attack and all the sudden the place starts to collapse.

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