We we're heading to a base where vanguard axis is nitrous for illegal smuggling.

"We will make the delivery echo, jax will gaurd the ship" tho I heard a  sound while echo checks the ship s I went to looked where the sound is coming from then I got close I see droid holding a little wookie hostage "stop you're hurting him"The the wookie attacks them "more are coming hurry" I said as he follows me.

"Jax what's going on?" Echo said walking up to us.

The wookie growls "it's okay he's a friend" he runs away "those droids are after him come on" I said as we saw the droids surrounding us.

"What sort of treachery is this?" The droid asked.

Then the guys were behind them then I saw the wookie using the force to fight our way out as we head to the ship and out of here.

I looked at the wookie who was alone and sad. "Why is he sitting back there alone?" Iasked.

"Because he's scared"
Hunter said "he's been through a lot"

" but he still need to eat. I grab a tray and walked up to him "here you look hungry" I said giving him food.He growled when the boys get close "what's wrong?"

"He doesn't trust us" hunter said.

"We'll, seeing how all clones were given and order to execute the Jedi,he has good reason to be cautious." Tech said.

"I'm sorry about what happend but we are not like other clones" hunter said sitting down "we did not follow that order and we don't work for the empire either"

"Hunters telling the truth" i said to him "you don't have to be afraid of us"Then the wookie started eating "im jax whats your name?"

He spoke in his languages.

"My wookie is a little rusty, but I think his says his name is gungi" hunter said.

He spoke again.

"He's been since order 66,and was attempting to reach the wookie home world kashyyk before he was captured but those smuggling droids" tech translated.

"I'm not sure how you survived this long on your own but it's impressive" hunter said.

"If he's trying to get to his home world we can take him" i said.

"Been a while since we've been to kashyyk" wrecker said.

Later we got to kashyyk it was a beautiful fires but it's full of webs when creatures came.

Gungi spoke as tech translates "he said they will not attack unless we pose a threat" . gunji gets them out of the way as we continue on walking until we saw the village was destroyed.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder "the empire destroyed our home too. Don't. Worry we'll find your people."

Then we heard something as we loooked and saw a trandoshan and holding a wookie hostage. Gungi being a little rebel went and attacked as we helped. Take down a tank then we stoped the flames from spread by digging.

Then out of nowhere we heard something come as we saw wookie ms on bigger animals as they lead up to their village.

Their lead greets us tech translates "her name is yanna she appears to be leading them"

"We are returning him to his home world" hunter said pointing at gunji "but he doesn't know what village he's from we were soilders of the republic but let's just say we don't see eye to eye with the empirewe came because gungi was in trouble jedi or not he's still a child he needs his people"

Later on we talked gungi I'd gonna stay and we learned the empires been using the trandoshan to strip planets resources.

"Hanna's scouts are reporting a large convoy headed in this direction" tech said "she says to leave"

"The rookies were our allies for years. We have to do something" echo said.

"We'll stay and help you fight them" hunter said "you don't have to do this alone."The we watched the rookies go up to a tree asking them for help for what's about to happen. Later on After echo said the trandoshan are coming gungi tells me something "the trees have a plan? All right whatever they say"

Then later we started to attack the enemie until they were gon and we put out the fire.

Later the fight was over I went to the trees with gungi and communicated with the tree.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now