Back on ord mantell we had to fix the ship and I was getting impatient.

"This is taking too long" i said impatiently.

"Jax focus" echo said to me.

"I can't we have to get back to daro and rescue hunter"

"We will but we can't go anywhere until the ships fixed."

Then once the ships read we started the ship then we noticed his communication device is on.

I told them that there's a spot in kamino we won't be seen.

There was a platform with a tube in there as we go in.

"This type of underwater transport system is not documented of any schematics" tech said.

"Kaminoans keep a lot of secrets" echo said.jax. How did you know this existed?"

"Nala se" I answered "this tunnel leads to her privat research lab the others run throughout kamino ."

We got to the lab to see tubes everywhere "this looks like every other kaminoan lab to me" wrecker said

"Not exactly" I said "most in topics city don't know about it"

"What's so special about it"

"It's where you were created"

"What's do you mean?" Tech said.

"Your mutations were enhanced in this room experimental unit 99 began right here. I was there for work. It was only for a short time before you were sent to be with the others"

Later we went to rescue hunter and he knocked crosshair out.

I ran up and hugged him "sorry jax I know I promised you you'd never have to come back here" he said.

"You did the same for me"

Then we went to back to the ship and Crosshair decided to not.
So we left him.

I'm thinking about him if he made a mistake or the right decision.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now