I was laying on a gonk when inter walks up to me.

"Well, that doesn't look comfortable for either of you." He said

"We're fine" I said.

"here. Chow time" he said giving me food.

"Finally" wrecker said coming down as I gave him something and he eats it "hit me again"

"That's all we have for now. Rations are low" he told him.

"You can have mine" I said suggests giving him food.

Wrecker gave it some thought then said "no thank you keep it"

"Okay" i said before sitting down and eating.

Then the ship started to get thrown out of hyberspace for some reason I ran to the bridge to see what's going on.

"Jax strap in" he told me as me and wrecker straps in. We get to a planet where we started to crash land safely sort of "are everyone all right" he asked.

Later we started to check out what was going on "and he storm is getting worse" echo said. "It's knocking out our comms."

"I suspect our capitators substained damage during our fight with the Regs" tech said "we won't be able to take off without replacing it inventory analysis indicates we one one spare on board"

"Is it in here?" I said pulling something out of the closet. We all looked at it as I frowned "what?".

"That's Crosshairs weapons kit" hunter said

"I'll says it. I kinda miss him" wrecker said.

"He shot you remember?" Echo asked.

Wrecker laughs "sure I do that hurt"

"It's worth nothing the possibility that Crosshairs action were influenced by the inhibitor chip" tech said.

"It can do that?" Echo asked me.

"That's what it was designed to do" i said.

"So it wasn't Crosshairs fault?" Wrecker asked.

"Look debating this won't fix the ship right now we need to find that capitator and get off this rock" hunter said

"Ow" we heard wrecker say we turned it see him holding his head.

"What's wrong with you?" Hunter asked.

"I must've hit my head in the crash" he said.

I turned to see tech and echo come back to the ship "the compactors in place but other systems are now failing." Tech said

"Somethings causing damage to toe extirior hull" echo adds.

"You want to narrow that down?" Hunter asked as the power turned off.

And we saw something at the window "some kind of creature is here"I said "and if ran off with the part"

"They're right the capacitors gone" echo said looking at the scans. "That was our last one.

"The creature is mist likely and Ordo moon dragons a species that feed on raw energy it was probably drawn to the papacitors electric charge" tech explained.

"Well, that would've been good to know beforehand tech" echo said.

"You two get those other systems online" hunter said to echo and tech "wrecker stay here  I will go after the dragon and get our part back"

"I'll come too" i said.

"No that thing could be dangerous" Hunter said checking his knife

"I'm part of this squad now too right"

He sighed "as much as I hate this idea it's fine just stay close"

I followed ad Hunter checks the dirt.

"What is you doing" i asked.

"Tracking" be toldme as we kept on walking.

"Could I learn to do track like you?"I asked Hunter

"Well, it's an enhanced skill" Hunter said "wrecker, tech have one."

"And Crosshair" I said he doesn't look pleased to hear "you both shouldn't be angry at him. He can't help it."

Hunter sighed "we're angry at ourselves we don't leave our own behind"

"Then we'll find a way to bring him back.. somehow" i said

Later on we finally found the capitor Hunter told me to wait as he tries to go get it but the dragon is as there and started attacking Hunter as it ran a way with out part.

"Hunter" I shouted as he turned to see his mask was off him I found his mast and put it back on."Hunter wake up!" No response but he's breathing .

I turned the comm on to contact the other "echo wreck, tech, come in" no answer.

I had to get the thing myself so I did what hunter did and tracked it.I hole I turned on the flashlight we looked around for it.

I started walking until we saw the capitator I grabs it as the creature comes to us I quickly grabbed it as the creature comes at us as I moves the flashlight "it's atracted to the light" I said to myself

I threw it as it was distracted
"Jax " I heard Hunter shout from a distance.

"Im coming" isaid as i crawled out of the hole Hunter saw and got meout of there.

"are you okay?" He asked in worry "what were you thinking of going down there"

"The mission was to retrieve the capacitor, wasn't it?" Iasked "I tracked the dragon like you did".

"Is that my blaster?" He asked gently taking his blaster from me.

"don't worry, we didn't have to use it we got the part"

We got back to the ship as we started to head off

"Systems are up and running" tech said

"Took you long enough"  wrecker said 

"And where have you been?" Echo asked wrecker.

Wreckers kneels to me "hey come with me cover your eyes" omega did what i was told to do as wrecker leads her somewhere on the ship "open them" I opened and saw something"it's your own room" he said as I go on it. I'm amazed that wrecker did this for me. "What do you think?" He asked her "I thought this place could feel like home"

"It's perfect. Thank you wrecker" I said

"Oh it was nothing" he said

"I never had my own room before" i said.

"Well, you're part of this squad now too." Hunter said smiling at her as I smiled back.

It is great to be part of the team.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now