it's not an exact fit"tech puts up a comm for me

"I get my own comm device?" si asked.

"Technically it was Crosshairs but he doesn't appear to need it" tech said.

I turns on the comm "echo, what's you position over"not noticing echos behind.

Echo clears his throat to get her attention "it's not a toy"

""Why are we going to ord mantell I thought the plan was to lay low" i asked.

"Not while the bounty Hunters after you we need to find out why" hunter said.

"I know an informant there named cid who might be able to help" echo.

"You trust him" wrecker asked.

"The Jedi trusted him"

"Jedi who are all dead" tech saidz

"Well, anyone have better options?" Echo asked.

We got the the planet in a small town to find cid. "remember the rules?" Hunter asked me.

"Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad" isaid.

"And if you get into trouble?" Echo asked her

"Use my comm and give my location" I said

M head in the bar and saw the lizard looking female.

" You're cid" i said

"Clever you know that" she said.

We all went to another room so we can talk privately "I had a good thing going with the Jedi" cid said "they valued my insights, but now they're all dead the demand for my service was declined thanks to this new empire"

"Times have changed for all of us" hunter said.

"No kidding" said cid "I never had clones deserters come to me before"

"Yes we'll we separated due to a fundamental difference in ideology" tech said.

"That's cute you thinking I care cut to it and tell me what you want" she said.

echo as he goes to the tables to reveal a picture of the picture "this woman was chasing after jax for some reason"

"I don't know her but I know a bounty Hunter when I see one" Cid asked.

"Can you find out who hired her?" Echo asked.

"That depend on what you do for me. You pull a job for me I'll get the information you want that's how this mercenary thing works.."

"What kind of job?" Hunter

"A rescue there's a nice bounty on a kid named mucho my sources say she's was taken by zygerrian slavers who are holed up on the other side of the planet bring me the kid and I'll get you your intel by." She throws me something and I caught it "details of the bounty are on that don't screw it up"
On the ship we head to the other side of the planet as I noticed wrecker was groaning while holding his head again.

"You all right?" I asked in concern.

"Yeah it's nothing" wrecker said holding his head before walking away.

"According to cids intel, the zygerrian slave trader are hiding in the ruins of ol ord mantel city." Tech explained

"What's a slave trader?" I Asked.

"Someone who buys and sells people for credit." Tech answered.

"People can be sold?"

"They don't have a choice" echo said "they're captives treated like property." I nodded in agreement.

"That doesn't seem right."

"It's not" hunter told me"and we're gonna stop it from happening to that kid"

"As well as earn a decent amount of credits once the job is complete" tech adds.

We landed and saw the people and I planned that the guys get them as I was along on the ship

"We found their ship" we heard an unfamiliar voice as i signals led omega to hide out side.

We went to the secret exit as we got out as two zygerrians left the ship.

"Hunter do you copy" i said trying to comm the guys but no answer.

I go to the cliff the look in the bionics to see where they were I groaned in frustration.

But something inside me sensed something I looked at the bionics and saw agiant cage and it's rattling.

Later We went to the cage I was gonna try to open it but zygerrian came and caught.

"We found them sneaking to the cage" the guard said.

I blew raspberry "i wasn't sneaking we was unlocking"  I showed them the key as the door opened to reveal a rancor.

I  get the others we realize the rancor was muchi and zygerrians were chasing after her.

"Gear up we have to go after muchi" hunter said "if we don't capture her we don't get our intel from cid"

"I'll go find muchi," hunter said "echo you and jax go get these people to safety as for the rest get those zygerrians away from her"

Then we got to see muchi and wrecker wresling her until he won.
We returned to two with muchi as the owner pay cid and walks with muchi.

"Gotta say I wasn't sure you could pull this job off" cid said like she was impressed.

"You could have told us we were going after a rancor" echo said a little pissed about it.

"Must've slipped my mind." Cid looks "dark and droids my office" hunter follows her.

"I wonder what's happening" I asked.

"Who knows" echo asked. "Who knows"

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now