Once we returned we noticed something was different cid was gone and someone else had taken over her business. And cids missing which is strange. With cid gone we have nothing else to do.

"We're getting off ord mantell" hunting suggest "tech prep the ship, the rest of us will gather supplies."

"What about cid" i asked "he said she was out what did he mean by that?"

"Given his tone it is a plausible assumption that cid was either forced out or taken out" tech said.

I moves in front of them "well he have to find her and help her"

We heard someone clear their throat we looked to see Cid standing in front of the ship.

"Nice to see one of you cares inside now" she said to us as we all walked to the ship. "I see you all met Roland. He's a former client and the son of former crime boss isa Durand rolands trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the pykes"

"What's he doing on ord mantell" hunter asked her.

"This ports connected to multiple hyberspace routes ideal for smuggling" cid explained "my parlours right in the midst of the action Roland saw the value in it and took it but we are taking it back"

"We?" Hunter asked in confusion.

"If I loose you loose don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets"

"I believe she's threatening us" tech said.

"You're quick"

"When we needed help we came to cid remember? Now she needs our help we can't just walk away" i said.

Hunter ighed "so what's your plan?"

"My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to acquire a shipment of spice he's storing in my back office"

"You wantto disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabatoging the deal" tech said trying to get it straight.

"Very good goggles" she said to tech before continuing "when the pykes come to collect Roland won't be able to bay and he'll be their problem."

She takes us to a sewerage of old mining tunnels she explained it's how we're sneaking to steal her spice.

"Why don't we just walk in ther and take it?" Asked wrecker.

"No one can know we're involved" she said "Roland is one thing but the pykes aren't an enemy you want to make we'll use these carts to transport the crates of spice"

"They're not in the best shape but I can get the motors operatational" tech said looking at the car.

"No" cid stoped him "motors are too loud this is a stealth mission you are good at that right? Tiny , goggles you're with me" she said to omega, tech and me as we get on the cart.

Once we got to our destination cid spoke "listen up when we Pisa's through those doors be a peep out of anyone we don't want to wake the hive"

"The what?" Echo asked.

"The cavernS have a slight infestation problem"

"We're not afraid of a few bugs" wrecker chucked

"It won't be a problem if everyone keeps their traps shut"

Wrecker opens the door as we kept on going. Once we got the peice and we got the spice. But encounter some bugs luckily we got out before they could get us.


once we hid it we head back to the bar where Roland and the pykes were waiting or us.

"It is come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice" the pyke said "return it to us and we will consider this issue resolved"

"Not sure what he's been telling you but we don't have any spice" cid said.

"Kill them all" the pykes order"

"wait. We don't have the spice but we know where it it" Hunter

"If you know where it is then you should have no problem retrieving it until you do the girl stays here."he points at me

The guys poin their guns "not happening" hunter said sternly.

"You misunderstand. This is not a negotiation"

"If I may..." cid spoke before looking at us "you all don't realize who you're dealing with if you don't lower your blaster you're gonna wish we were dead let me handle this"

Later I was with Roland and i planed to escape the pykes I looked to see a gun.

"Don't try it theyll kill you" he said "if your friends don't return the spice we're both dead that's what happens when you meddle with peoples business"

"Us?" I asked. "You're the one who took cids parlour from her."

"You take what you want that's the Durand way it's a tactic my mother perfected."

"So she's a criminal too?"

He scoffs "you make it sound so undignified if she saw me now "
The guys back and returned the spice to the pykes who were waiting for us.

"Since the spice has been returned the matter between us is resolved" the pykes said "but not with you" he point to Roland as me walks up to them .

They grabbed Roland they look like they we're gonna do something to him "don't" i said "he made a mistake that's all"

"They're ight" cid said "kill him and you'll be starting a war with isa Durand do you want that heat right now call this a bad deal and walk away"

"We do not accept bad deals" the pykes said as the cut Rolands horn "our business is finished it would not be wise for our paths to cross again."

I walks up to him and gives him ruby "I'll be going now" Roland said as he leaves.

"Come on. First round on my" cid said ms

"You ow us way more than that" wrecker said as the guys ran to the bar.

I stayed with hunter and puthis hand on my shoulder "why did you stick up for him after what he did?" He asked me .

"I don't know" i said "ruby likes him maybe he's not all bad"

"come one"

That was a long day for us.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now