The guys were on a mission as I was playing a gam and winning multiple times.

"You're natural" cid said "I've
Never seen anything like it"

Hunter loook at me "I told you to keep a low profile this is the opposite"

Cid pulls me by the shoulder "ease up bandanna .jax made enough money to pay off your deposit you all owe me, so try showing gratitude to my friend." she said as she goes up to the senator.

The boys followed them leaving me and hunter alone.

"You really paid off our dept?" He asked asked her.

"I wanted to be useful, even if I couldn't go on the mission" i said.

"how about we put those strategy skills to the test?" He suggest sitting down to play that game "one match, if you win then no more sitting out on missions" I smiled as i agreed as she sat down "you ready for this?"

"Are you hunt?" I I smirked as we began to play

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now