After the guys got the chips out wrecker was teaching me how to not make a bomb blow up but I failed it was a smoke bomb by the way.

We all got together since we found out those scrapper contacted the empire.

"Rex warned us about the scrapper patrol on bracca we should leave" echo said.

"In our present situation we need money" hunter said "and we have a chance to make a lot of hit right here"

Wrecker laughs "in this dump how?"

Hunter  sighed "techwhats the potential haul inside the crusiser?"

"My scans indicate the armoury and artillery bag have not been fully off-loaded the dianoga must have kept the scrappers away" tech explained.

"Just a few of those weapons should clear our dept with cid" Hunter said .

"We're soilders not arms smugglers"said echo.

"There's no republics or us to rely on anymore" hunter  told him "we're presented with an opportunity here we have to take it."

"I would also add the intel from the bridges central system has a potential to be worth far more than any weapon" tech said.

Wrecker scoff "not to me"

"Tech get to the bridge get the power online and whatever intel you can gather" hunter ordered.

"What do we do about them?" I  asked pointing at the scrappers.

"We'll grab what we need and be gone before they even wake up." He said before going back to the ship getting what we need

I went to wreckerwho was holding a bomb.

"Can you teach me how to arm that?" I asked.

"Sorry this one's all mine"

Then I heard my comm beep "jaxI need you up on the bridge" tech said on the comm.

"Copy that"When I got on the bridge I saw tech working "how's it looking?"

"We're in luck. Who ever scuttled this ship didn't wipe the hardware data imprint im transferring the files but I still need to copy the master drive" he hands me a tool and I took it "it's under that panel"

I looked to see the damage ship then I see a ren button blinking "why is this button blinking" I asked tech.

He gets up and looks at it "that's the proximity sensor it signals when there's an approaching vessel it's most likely a short circuit" then all the sudden we saw a ship fly by. That's not good
Hunter went up to the bridge and looked at the binoculars "it's corahair all right"

"He won't be able to detect us I'm blocking their scanners" tech said.

"That won't stop him come on"

We ran to the others "how many troopers are we talking about?" Echo asked.

"Three attack shuttles worth" tech answered.

"We already got what we came for let get to the marauder" wrecker said.

"They're already on board the cruiser" said hunter "we need a covert way out"

"They'll do a forward to aft sweep we can alternate corridors. Come on" echo said.

We walked in the halls of the ship without being seen "talk to me tech" hunter said.

"I'm trying to tap into the Regs comma so we can monitor their movements." Once tech did it shows Crosshair voice telling them to go to the hanger.

"Aren't we moving to the hanger?" I asked.

"Not anymore" hunter said "we'll cut though the artillery deck."

As we head there imperials already found us and Crosshair came already pointing their guns at us.

"Tapping our comma to track our movements? So predictable." Crosshair said.

Wrecker scoffs "nice to see you too Crosshair"

"Look at you all, scavenging like rats how pathetic"

"Why come after us?" Hunter asked.

"You're traitors" Crosshair answered.

It breaks me to see my own best friend do this to us "cross wake up you're being controlled by an inhibitor chip" hunter told him.

"he's telling the truth" I  said "the kaminoans put chips on all the clones you can't help it."

Crosshair looked like he was ready to shoot at omega but I walked infont of her "aim for the non-clone " he ordered.

Hunter pulled me behind him "You're issues is with me not her"

"I suggest you drop your weapon"

Then an explosion came as we all started shooting our way out while the roof was about to collapse.

But no matter where we go imperials surrounds us. And all the sudden an engine turns on.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Sounds like the engines comings online" hunter said "but that's not possible right" he asked looking at tech.

"Technically it is" tech said "I restored the ship main power core when I accessed the central system which means the engines came be activated."

"Crosshair wouldn't do that would he?" I asked

"How much time do we have" echo asked.

"I estimate less than two minutes." Tech answers as the machine turns on even more.

""What do we do" omega asked.

"What about plan 7" wrecker asked.

"Plan 7 has nothing to do with this situation whatsoever" echo said.

"wrecker can we use the explosives from the armoury to disable the engines?" Hunter said

"It won't cause a large enough reaction to affect the thermal chamber but if we place a series of charges around the cone we maybe able to break away from the cylinder while destabilizing the core" tech explained.

"Breakaway you mean fall all the way down?" I asked.

"It's that or be incinerated?" Echo said.

"Everyone take an explosive tech y/!  up top with me"hunter ordered as we placed the charges on the cylinder.

Wrecker blew it up and we we head down and rolling down.

I was apart from the guys and I fed to find hunter
. I ran until I saw a figure lying on the floor it was hunter.

I went on my knees, took of my helmet and started shaking him.

"Hunter,hunter wake up!" I noticed a whole on his chest plate. He was shot. "Oh no!" I cried thinking he's dead but I can hear his heart beating. I sighed in relief.

I heard footsteps I turned to see an unfamiliar figure there "well hello little ladyyou are coming with me"

Before I could do anything I blacked out.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now