Echo was helping me perfectly the zygerian weapon I found he tells me to practice

"Okay playtime's over we need to talk" cid said walking up to us. "I assume you know what a tactical droid is? They were the opera—"

"The operational brains of the separatist military—"tech interrupts trying to explain it.

Cid stops him "this is by breifing goggles. Tactical droid intel has tremendous value which is why you're gonna break into this decommissioning facility on cprdrella and retrieve one before they're all destroyed."

"We haven't decided if we're gonna work for you or not" hunter said to her.

"Allow me to decide for you. You're in." She's always stubborn "I'm talking a mutrally benificial arrangement you make money I make money and I watch your back. With the heat on you it's the best option you've got."

"I guess We're in"

"I know" she said then looks at me "and you you're releasing too son because of those weak noodle arms build up your strength" she said taking omegas now and shooting at the targets perfectly. "Lesson over"

We we're heading to the planet we're worried that they might recognize us so tech decided to put the ship into another ship.

"This old trick?" Echo asked.

"It's gets us pas the planetary sensors every time" tech said.

"Why is a tactical droid more important than the other droids" i asked.

"The more tactical droids fought the more they learned... and won" echo explained.

"Yeah except against us" wrecker said.

"With clones now serving the empire. Know how to defeat them just went up in value." Tech said.

"We're approaching the decommissioning site we can land on the industrial dockyard or we go on foot."

Once we landed we were sneaking so nobody would find us but little did we know was ther were droid police.

"Cid didn't mention this place was guarded by police droids" said hunter.

"They're operating on a rotating quadrant scan if time correctly there's an entry point in their blind spot follow me" tech said we we head to the ladders and climed.

We tried to avoid being seen by workers as much as possible "echo, tech, hunter locate and retrieve the droid. Wrecker cover them up top."

"But being a look out was Crosshairs job" wrecker said.

"That wasn't a request jax ill stay here we'll keep your eyes peeled for the target."

Later  i waswaiting i were informed that they found the head but one of the workers is stealing it.

"I'm on it" I told them as I was about to go get it but someone jumped infront of me.

"I don't think so" a unfamiliar female voice said. I pulled out my gun as i pulled out my now "whoa easy" she takes off her mask "I don't wanna hurt you but I can't have you getting in my way"

"You're the one in my way" I said to her.Then She kicks me and run"

Then I jumped to get the froid head but i got stuck all the sudden "hunter where are you?"

"Hang on jax " he said from a distance getting me "you okay?"


Later on while shooting at the police droid we all got out and we got to the ship with no tactical droid head.

We learned that the two women Were sisters Rafa and trace. Honestly they were tough at firs now they're meh.

"All that work for nothing" trace said.

"Whoever vids buyer is isn't gonna be happy" i said.

"Let me get this straight you knew how dangerous the information on the tactical droid is but you didn't know who you we're giving it to?" Rafa asked.

"We're being paid to acquire and deliver not ask questions" hunter said.

"Our contact needed that information to fight back against the empire" said trace "they're trying to help people make things better"

Rafa looks at me "why aren't you fighting for the empire? Isn't that what clones do now?"

"Not all of us we're different" he said.

"I heard that before"

Later we said our goodbyes and went separate ways.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now