"We are defending at a rate of speed that is most concerning" tech said as we were still falling.

"Don't worry the ree try thrusters should engage soon." I said.

"It they don't we're all dead" echo said.

Then we felt that boosters start getting us al to safty.

"Other than not being able to steer or control where we land, I would say this is going well"

"Tech did you read the escape pods yet" hunter asks on the comm.

"Not exactly we are using an alternate mode to transport my calculations have us crashing towards the upper forest reigion of the planet.


Then We landed as I comm hunter "we're alive but we don't know where we are"

"The empires gonna come looking for the containers and us" echo said.

"Get out of sight and lay low once we get to the marauder we'll come for you"

Then all the sudden the cargo started to move knowing we haven't landed.

Tech fell and  a chest landed on his foot Nanking him groan in pain.

"Tech" I shouted as I got the box off him "are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on his helmet cheek side.

He groans "my left femur is fractured by approximately 150 kilograms of pressure.. so... no" he said as echo and I help him to support.

"Hang tight I'll go up top to scope thing out"echo said leaving to check it out.
"We still haven't landed" echo said in a grumpy tone.

We climbed on the mountain  as tech couldn't climb we pulled him.

"We'll this mission has been eventful" tech said.

"We have to get out of sight"  echo said.

"Wait we can't leave without the war chest" isaid.

"We don't have time" echo said "we need to get away from here and find cover"

We walked for a bit when Hunter started to comm us "havoc 2 the fourth sun is setting plan double zero"

"Copy that" tech said.

"Plane double zero?" I asked.

"It means go radio silent comm channels are being monitored"

"We're being watched" i saidThen went to the man and I pull my bow "who are you what are you doing here.

"I live here the names Romar" the man said.

"He could be working for the empire" echo said.

"Me? Are you working for the empire?" Romar asked.

"We do not have time to debate this" tech said

"Where's the nearest place to take shelter" I asked.

"We'll it's a little hard to think with the. pointing that thing at me" Romar said.
Echo signalled me to put it down as i did "much appreciated but sorry to say there's no shelter around these parts."

"I'm registering a heat source 200 meters west of here" tech said in his computer thing "I suspect it is your domicile"

"How did you do-"

"Take us there" echo said

Romar sighs "looks like I don't have much say in the matter" later on after a long walk we got to rinse's house I explained to him we we are and what's we're doing. "So what you're telling me is that you're rogue clones running from the empires clones. Who used to be republic clones?"

"Why is your house in the middle of nowhere?" I asked.

"Didn't really have a choice once the empire showed up but me make do."Romar explains.

"We?" Echo asked.

"The other survivors who fled the destruction"

I pull echos arm "now that tech is safe,let's head back to the container and get as much of the war chest as we can."

"No it's too dangerous" echo said. "Troopers could already be at the crash site"

"But we can't leave empty handed we have to complete the mission mom"

"I guess you're more like the other clones than you think" Romar said handing tech a drink "I'd stay away from that cursed war chest if I were you"

"But we need it and it's not cursed it was stolen" I said.

"You think dooku founded this war effort by only stealing form outside worlds? No.he took from us his own people.His quest for power is why our city is buried in rubble"

"Well we'll help you get it back. There's enough in the container for all of us"

"I want none of it.let the empire take it the sooner they're gone the better and the same goes for you. No offence. Now if you'll Exuse me some of us have work to do." He goes somewhere else leaving the four of us alone.

"It's not too late" i said looking at echo "we can still scout the site to see if it's clear"

"Negative. Your mission is to keep and eyes on the old man" echo said.

I sighs "Roger"

Later I looked at the mand talking to me abou thing and importance of thing

"I am simply stating that without the founds in the war chest we are in no off than we were before." I heard tech say before climbing up

"That's not how I see it." Echo said "the empire is growing stronger and we're still doing nothing about it" he went to the door"

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To check for patrols. Ill be back." he said before putting on his helmet before leaving.

I looked to see a rope as I sneaked outside to get that war chest.

"Jax" I turned to see echo.

"echo!"I shouts "look I packed it full of shiny stuff" i holds out a bag.

"Did you not hear the blaster fire?" Echo asked. "There are troopers out there we have to go."
Then we began to climbs it as it slowly slips i accidentally drops the bag."This whole ledge is gonna go hurry".

"I can get it back I have to" isaid.

"Don't omega forget the chest it's not important" echo said.

"Yes it is" i said "I heard you on the marauder. You don't have a normal life because of me."

" jax, listen to me please "echo spoke "you have to let it go"

We got out as we hung by the cliff "jax, echo" we looked up to see tech waving at us "hold on"Then he got us the cable as we climed up. As the pulls us up then we saw a ship. "That would be our ride"

Then the ship doors open to reveal wrecker there signalling us to get on as we did leaving the old man.

I sat alone as echo walks up to me "I'm sorry we lost the war chest"

"We'll manage without it" echo said as he sits down beside me.

"I wanted to make things better for us I know you all gave up everything because of me" I said.

"Good thing we did, or we might be fighting for the empire right now. Or worse" said."We made the right choice jax. I'd do it all again." He smiled at me. I smiled back know he cares about me more than I thought.

Star Wars the immortals: book of jaxWhere stories live. Discover now